45 : interview

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"I swear to god Louis. If your neck is like this every night, I'm not gonna even bother covering it up!" Lou scolded me while sending judgemental looks.

"Hey it's not my fault! Blame him!" I said raising my hands in defeat and pointing to Harry who just walked in.

"What did I do?" He asked looking a bit concerned and then smirked when he saw lou looking at his neck with an angry expression. Harry and I had been attacking each other's necks since I complained about the mark he left earlier.

"You two are still little shits you know? I'm not gonna be able to cover them up probably. Lucky the lights in the room aren't bright." She huffed as she dabbed at my next with a sponge quite roughly.

By the time Lou was finished with my hair and make up, Harry was dressed in a black button up and a pair of black jeans too, quite a tight ones at that. He smiled at me and he sat down in the chair I was just in. I noticed he had got his nails painted, green and blue shades. He did it on purpose to piss Simon off.

I got dressed in a pair of black pants and a polo shirt, while zayn and Liam were bickering about something.

"No zayn." Liam huffed as he tied up his boots.

"Yes Liam please come on!" Zayn whined a little and gave him puppy dog eyes.

Niall and I watched them fight like that back and forth until Liam caved and gave him a kiss on the cheek when he thought nobody was looking.

"Whipped." I said, pretend to cough. Liam shot me a look as Niall giggled. Who knows what's going on with those two. Zayn has a baby on the way and they are hopelessly in love. I don't even think they are together together again. I really need to talk to Liam.

"5 minutes boys." Someone called out from the door.

I got up and stood behind Harry as Lou huffed as she tried to cover up a love bite just under his jaw.

"At least place them in less noticeable places yeh?" She said once she gave up and looked at me and shrugged.

I just laughed and looked at Harry who was texting Gemma. I'm low key scared of Gemma. She's not my biggest fan.

I leant on the back of his chair and he looked up in the mirror and smiled at me. I couldn't help but smile back.

"If you don't wanna talk about it, just leave it to me ok love." I said quietly with a smile.

"It's alright. It would be weird if I don't say something and I'm alright talking about it." He said with a shrug and slipped his phone into his pocket of his pants, then stood up. Harry and I haven't really spoken about the crash and everything related in the media, we have just been ignoring the topic, but I know we will have to face it eventually.

"I haven't seen you wears skinny jeans in a long time." I said admiring his legs and how they looked in the material, getting distracted from my thoughts.

"Please boo, these aren't skinny jeans. There nothing compared to what I used to wear." He said with a smirk and looked around before kissing me with a passionate but quick kiss.

We pulled apart just before the guy came back and said we were on in a minute.

I gave Harry's hand a squeeze before we headed out the door separately, just like we used to.


"I'm so glad that you two are ok after that terrible crash!" The interviewer exclaimed loudly.

"Yeh yeh thanks. We're ok now." I said nodding and leaning back on the couch so I could sneak a look at Harry who was also nodded appreciatively, but looking extremely nervous. I know saying 'we' would piss Simon off.

"Now after the news broke about the accident, Larry rumours sky rocketed again. Care to comment." The interviewer asked with a hopefully smile.

"I think people lead to much into things." Harry said, I could tell he's putting his acting face on. He's always been good. He can be hard to read when he puts it on.

I looked at him, trying not to smile, and nodded. "Yeh I mean we love our fans, but they just get so into rumours and theories."

Harry and I talked and since we'd be out within the year hopefully since the contracts are ending, we are no longer denying anything. And honestly, neither of us have the energy anymore.

And with that the interview went on about the upcoming album and the tour.

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