1 (chapter 2)

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In the morning, we wake up to Vernon banging on the door. I get up first to do the laundry for Petunia. Harry comes in some time later with the post. Outside, some time later. He hands Vernon the majority and then slyly passes me one. I look shocked as it's addressed to me. He walks around the table with a smiling one in his hands.

"Ah, Marge is ill. Ate a funny whelk" Vernon tells Petunia and passes the letter with a smile. She laughs and I see Dudley eyeing Harry. He sees the letter and snatched it from him.

"Dad, look! Harry's got a letter!" He shouts. Petunia looks at my hand and takes mine as well.

"Hey, give it back! It's mine!" Harry shouts standing up.

"They're addressed to us!" I say standing next to Harry. Vernon laughs and shakes his head.

"Yours? Who'd be writing to you?" He says as the three of them gather around to look at the letters. They look up at us shocked. The next few days things go the same, more and more letters for us turn up. Vermont destroys them each and every time. It starts to drive him a little nuts. Harry and I always try to get them before but he's quicker and he's started checking our room. One afternoon, Harry and I are just in the cupboard, I am writing in my diary and Harry is staring off into space until we hear Vernon drilling something over the letter box. We shake our heads and just continue on. Although we are both disappointed we've learnt we can't argue with the Dursley's. On Sunday Morning, Harry and I are serving the Dursley's tea and cookies.

"Fine day Sunday. In my opinion, best day of the week. Why is that, Dudley?" Uncle Vernon says smug as he takes his tea. Dudley shrugs and sits next to his mother.

"Because there's no post on Sunday?" Harry says. I scoff but they choose to ignore me.

"Ah, right you are, Harry. No post on Sunday. Hah! No blasted letters today. No, sir. No sir, not one blasted, miserable..." Vernon says. A letter shoots out of the fireplace and hits Vernons face. There is a low rumbling and then hundreds of letters come shooting out of the fireplace. Harry turns to me and smiles.

"AHH! Make it stop! Please make it stop!" Dudley screams and he jumps on Petunias lap.

"Go away, ahh!" Vernon shouts as letters begin covering the living room. I drop the tea and Harry walks over to me.

"What is it? Please tell me what's happening!" Dudley shouts. I try to reach one of the letters as Harry jumps onto the coffee table to grab a letter. He gets one and starts to run away. I run after him and Vernon grabs my wrist, he pushes me on the floor and goes after Harry.

"Give me that! Give me that letter!" He screams. More letters come from the door and windows as he chases Harry and grabs him before Harry can get into the closet.

"Get off! Ahh!" Harry shouts trying to push him off. "They're our letters! Let go of me!"

"That's it! We're going away! Far away! Where they can't find us!" Vernon shouts as he falls into the pile of letters holding onto Harry. Petunia grabs my arm and stops me from getting my own letter. Harry and I are forced to pack a small rucksack and get in the car. They take us to a house far away on the sea. After being there a day before it's Harry and I's birthday. We are still awake while the rest of the family sleeps. Both of us are sitting on our makeshift bed on the floor. He draws a cake with candles that says "Happy 11th Birthday Harry and Y/N" I smile at him. I managed to make him a small card like we do every year for each other. I look over to see Dudley watch has turned to 12:00

"Happy Birthday Harry" I whisper. He squeezes my hand and hugs me.

"Happy Birthday Y/N/N" He says. We both blow on the dust drawing and smile. It may not be a lot but we have each other. "Make a wish, Y/N/N" Suddenly, the door thumps. Harry jumps and I hold his hand tighter. The door bangs again. We both jump up and it has woke Dudley as well. Petunia and Vernon appear at the bottom of the stairs, Vernon has a gun. The door bangs again and then cracks open, it falls to the floor with a thud and a giant man appears. Harry and I hide by the wall.

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