6 (chapter 11)

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I sit on the astronomy tower with my legs dangling over the edge. "Do you think he would have done it? Draco" Hermione asks. I can feel them looking at me worried but I shake it off.

"No. No, he was lowering his wand. In the end, it was Snape. It was always Snape. I did nothing" Harry says. I sigh and shake my head continuing to look at the view.

"Neither of us could have done anything, I should have told you when I found out. I just wanted to protect him. He did it for me. I at least owed him that. But now he's gone..." I say. I stand and compose myself before walking over to them.

"It was fake. Open it" Harry says passing Hermione the horcrux. She opens it slowly.

"To the Dark Lord: I know I will be dead long before you read this but I want you to know that it was I who discovered your secret. I have stolen the real Horcrux and intend to destroy it as soon as I can. I face death in the hope that when you meet your match, you will be mortal once more. R.A.B. R.A.B.?" She says. I lean against the railing with them.

"Don't know. But whoever they are, they have the real Horcrux. It means it was all a waste. All of it" Harry says and I meet his eyes. He takes my hand and squeezes it.

"Ron's okay with you, you know. You and Ginny. If I were you when he's around, I'd keep snogging to a minimum" She says smiling. We both sigh.

"I'm not coming back, Hermione," He says.

"Neither of us are," I add. She looks at us both in shock and confusion. "We've got to finish whatever Dumbledore started"

"And I don't know where that'll leave us, but I'll let you and Ron know where we are... when I can" Harry finishes and I let go of his hand as Hermione shakes her head at us.

"I've always admired your courage, Harry, y/n. But sometimes, you can both be really thick" She says. Ron stands and walks over.

"You don't really think you're going to be able to find all those Horcruxes by yourselves, do you? You need us" He says. I smile at them both as we all look back out over the balcony.

"I never realised how beautiful this place was" Hermione says. I smile and remember the first time Draco brought me up here. This is where I gave myself to him fully. No matter what I have to do I'm going to get back to him and we're going to stop Voldermort.

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