1 (chapter 11)

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"What is that?" Hermione asks. We can hear something fluttering around. I shrug and start to walk towards the door.

"I don't know. Sounds like wings" Harry whispers. I pull open the door and we enter a room. I look up to see loads of golden birds flying around.

"Curious. I've never seen birds like these" Hermione says, walking up behind me.

"They're not birds, they're keys. And I'll bet one of them fits that door" Harry says pointing to the old door in front of us. As we walk over to it there is a broomstick floating in the air.

"What's this all about?" I ask. Harry runs his hand over it.

"I don't know. Strange" He says. I walk over to the door with Ron. He takes out his wand.

"Alohomora! Well, it was worth a try" He says with a shrug.

"Ugh! What're we going to do? There must be 1000 keys up there!" Hermione says looking around. I kneel down and look at the door.

"We're looking for a big old fashioned one. Probably rusty like the handle" I tell them. We all look up at the keys to see it. Harry suddenly points one out.

"There! I see it! The one with the broken wing!" He shouts. He walks over to the broom and sighs.

"What's wrong, Harry?" Hermione aske.

"It's too simple," He says.

"For once let's do the simple option" I say. He looks at me and then back at the broom.

"Oh, go on, Harry! If Snape can catch it on that old broomstick, you can! You're the youngest seeker in a century!" Ron shouts. Harry nods and grabs the broom. All the keys suddenly start flying right for Harry. He climbs on, swiping at them as he pushes off in the air.

"This complicates things a bit!" Ron says. We all suck by the door as Harry flies after the key, the other keys following close behind him. He grabs it and flys down near us.

"Catch the key!" He shouts. He flies by us and throws the key to Hermione, she catches it and heads for the lock while Harry distracts the other keys.

"Hurry up!" He shouts. Suddenly the door swings open and the three of us rush through. We hold it so Harry can fly through. As he does we slam the door shut hearing all the other keys fly into it.

"Well that was close" I sigh leaning against a door. We walk through a dark room and they're are loads of broken shards scattered.

"I don't like this. I don't like this at all" Hermione whispers.

"Where are we?" Harry says. I look around to see statues.

"A really creepy graveyard" I answer and Ron gasps as we reach a clearing.

"This is no graveyard. It's a chessboard" He says. We walk out onto the marble center and flames suddenly alight. It shows us all the giant chess pieces.

"There's the door" Harry says pointing. We walk towards the door but as we reach a line of pawns, they bring their swords up and we jump.

"Now what do we do?" I ask.

"It's obvious, isn't it? We've got to play our way across the room. All right. Harry, you take the Bishop's square. Hermione, you'll be the Queen's side castle. Y/N, you take your place in the right castle" Ron tells us. "As for me, I'll be a knight" We all walk over to the places and I stand to the side of the castle watching the board carefully.

"What happens now?" Hermione asks, I see her shift uncomfortably.

"Well, white moves first, and then...we play" Ron tells us. A pawn on the other side moves forward. I look up as Ron studies the game.

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