4 (chapter 6)

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"Ready?" Hermione asks, knocking on the bathroom door

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"Ready?" Hermione asks, knocking on the bathroom door. I am just putting my earrings in.

"Yeah I'll be down in a sec" I shout out to her, I smooth down my loose curls and pin my fringe back. My hands are shaking like a leaf. This is it, everyone is going to find out.

"Come on Y/N. We will be late" She says.

"Go ahead, I'll be two minutes" I say as I look at myself in the mirror. I take a deep breath and then open the door noticing Hermione has gone ahead. I walk out of the common room and to the stairs. I peer round and see Hermione, Harry and the other champions stood waiting to go in. I take a deep and then walk out from the side. Everyone turns to look at me with jaws dropped as I walk down the stairs slowly. Hermione's eyes are wide and she smiles at me.

"Harry isn't that your sister?" One of the Patell twins says turning around. Harry turns and his eyes widen. I smile and wave at him.

"Wow you look great" Hermione says as I reach the bottom. I finally let out the breath I've been holding as Draco appears behind her holding his hand out to me.

"Can I steal my date?" He asks. Hermione looks between the two of us in shock and then stares at me. I give her a small smile.

"Um...Yeah" She says smiling at me. I let out a breath as Hermione gives her blessing. I take Draco's hand and he leads me over to the others. I feel all of their eyes on us. Harry is glaring at Draco. McGonagall walks over and sighs in relief.

"Miss Potter finally, Come along this way. You and Mr Malfoy will go in after Mr Krum and Miss Granger" She says and puts us second to last in the queue. "Now, l need you all to line up...in the procession, please"

"You look absolutely stunning by the way" Draco whispers to me. I smile and look at his black and white dress robes. His eyes are fixated on me.

"You don't look too bad yourself" I tease. The doors open and the music starts. We follow the other champions in and I hear whispers when we walk through. I keep my eyes trained on the dancefloor and my hand gripping Draco's. We begin to all dance and I notice most people are staring at us. Is it really that crazy I came with Draco Malfoy? Yes maybe we should have waited. But at the same time I'm glad I came with him. He leads me through the dance. He spins me and then brings me closer.

"Everyone's staring at us" I say and he smiles, lifting me and spinning me around. When my heels touch the floor again he shakes his head with a smile.

"Not at us. At you, beautiful" He says looking at me intensely. I smile up at him and block everyone out for the rest of the dance. We dance to a few different types of songs. Then we begin to get out of breath.

"I'll go grab some drinks," He says and walks away. I smile as Hermione runs over to me.

"Malfoy? Why didn't you tell me?" She says. She doesn't look annoyed, she just looks concerned.

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