6 (chapter 9)

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Just when I got discharged from the hospital, Harry comes to tell me that Ron is now in the hospital. Something about him being poisoned. I follow after him to find Hermione and Ginny already there.

"Quick thinking on your part, Harry, using a bezoar. You should be very proud of your student, Horace" Dumbledore says entering with the other teachers. I take a seat next to Hermione. She smiles at me and I can tell she's worried about Ron.

"Ah, yes. Very proud" Slughorn replies in a daze. He probably feels incredibly guilty about what happened.

"I think we agree Potter's actions were heroic. The question is: Why were they necessary?" McGonagall asks. Dumbledore nods and turns to Slughorn.

"I, indeed. This appears to be a gift, Horace. You don't remember who gave you this bottle? By the way, it possesses remarkably subtle hints of liquorice and cherry. When not polluted with poison" He says taking the bottle and smelling it. He hands it to Snape.

"Actually, I had intended to give it as a gift, myself" Slughorn says and I turn to share a look with Harry.

"To whom, might I ask?" Dumbledore asks. He looks up with a guilty expression.

"To you, headmaster" He says. I hear footsteps running into the room.

"Where is he?" Lavender calls when she comes into view. I roll my eyes and scoff.

"Oh here we go" I say. She stops at his bedside pushing past the teachers.

"Where's my Won-Won? Has he been asking for me? What's she doing here?" She says with her eyes landing on Hermione. I glare up at her.

"I might ask you the same question" Hermione says standing up. Lavender laughs and shakes her head.

"I happen to be his girlfriend" She says and I resist the urge to gag,

"Not for much longer" I mutter. Ginny smirks at me and Lavender just glares.

"And I happen to be his... friend" Hermione says. Friend is a very peculiar word to describe those two.

"Don't make me laugh. You haven't spoken in weeks. I suppose you want to make up with him now that he's suddenly all interesting" Lavender spits back. I roll my eyes on annoyance. This girl really is daft.

"He's been poisoned, you daft dimbo! And for the record, I've always found him interesting" Hermione says crossing her arms,

"Excuse me? Lavender isn't it? You do realise those two have been friends since year one? And you've been his girlfriend for what? Five minutes?" I butt in she seethes with rage until Ron begins to talk.

"See? He senses my presence. Don't worry, Won-Won. I'm here. I'm here" She says. Hermione turns to him and his eyes are still closed.

"Hermione. Hermione. Hermione" He mutters. I bite my lip to hold back a smirk.

"Ouch that's gotta hurt" I say. Lavender glares at all of us before running away and crying her eyes out. Thank god she finally got the message.

"Oh to be young and to feel love's keen sting. Well, come over, everybody. Mr. Weasley's well attended. About time, don't you think?" Dumbledore says. I smirk at Hermione as I get up.

"Thank you" I say, agreeing with Dumbledore. Hermione shakes her head as Harey and I give her a look.

"Just shut up" She says, shaking her head at us. We both leave the hospital wing and he goes off with Ginny. I decide to surprise Draco while he's studying. I make my way into the library and it's basically empty as it's a Saturday. The first thing I spot is his platinum blonde hair at the back. I creep up behind him and put my arms around his neck, he tenses and then sighs when he realises it's me.

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