7 (chapter 8)

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"Draco?" I ask as my eyes open. I sit up slowly and see my now healed shoulder.

"Y/N! Thank god you're awake!" Harry says rushing over to me.

"Harry? What? Where are we?" I ask looking around at the bedroom.

"A safe house on the coast. Y/N we need to talk..." He says taking my hand and looking at me worried. I shake my head slowly.

"About what? Please tell me he's okay" I say as my heart races.

"Y/N it's not about Draco. When we left he was fine, obviously other than seeing you like that, but Dobby got us out" He says. I sigh in relief and nod.

"Dobby? Where is he?" I ask. Harry looks down and that's when I know.

"He's dead Y/N, Bellatrix threw a knife at him" He confirms.

"Oh my god..." I whisper. Tears prick in my eyes and I let them fall. He takes my hand and squeezes gently.

"You're all healed up, you've been asleep for two days" He says. I nod and try to take in the information. "The blood loss made you pass out, plus all of the stress on your body from you practicing the shield"

"And you? Are you okay?" I ask. He tries to smile but I know he's struggling. Everytime we lose another person it hurts more.

"I'll be fine, Y/N you should know. Draco bought us time to get out by lying. He knew it was me but he didn't say anything. He handed you over as well" He says. I smile and nod.

"At the risk of his own life" I say. He nods understanding. He helps me up and hugs me.

"He's not a bad guy Y/N. I'm sorry that we thought that" He says. He leaves as I get changed and I meet them downstairs.

"It's okay, okay so what's the plan?" I say. Hermione and Ron smile at me.

"We break into Bellatrix's vault. Today" Harry says. They fill me in and I nod.

"Then what are we waiting for" I say as Harey pulls out two wands. I recognise one of them. "That's Draco's. How did you?"

"He let me win it from him," Harry says. I nod slowly.

"So he's defenceless" I say. They give me a sympathetic look and I grit my teeth. "Let's get this over with"

"You're sure that's hers?" Ron asks as Hermione holds out a hair.

"Positive" She says. I help Ron disguise himself as a death eater and then we make our way out to the beach. Hermione walks over as Bellatrix. "Well? How do I look?"

"Hideous," Ron says and I smile.

"Yeah I agree, she's not much of a looker" I joke. Harey motions to Griphook.

"You can give that to Hermione to hold. Alright, Griphook? We're relying on you, Griphook. If you get us past the guards into the vault... The sword's yours" He says and we apparate to Diagon Alley. Harry, Griphook and I hide round the corner as someone comes into view.

"Madam Lestrange" He greets.

"Good morning" She says.

"Good morning? Good morning? You're Bellatrix Lestrange, not a school girl!" Griphook says annoyed. I shake my head.

"Hey! Easy!" Ron warns him.

"If she gives us away, we must swear to use that sword to slit our own throats. Understand?" He says. We all share a look and Hermione nodsZ

"No, he's right. I speak stupid" She says. I smile at her encouragingly.

"Okay. Let's do it" I say. Harry, Griphook and I get under the cloak.

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