3 (chapter 3)

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"You're awfully boring you know?" Malfoy says. I look down on the ground and see him standing alone at the bottom of the tree. I close my book and jump down in front of him.

"What do you mean?" I ask. He shrugs and backs away slightly.

"You seem to always be reading or with Granger" He says. I raise my eyebrows at him with a small smirk on my face. I can't help my stomach do flips as he stares at me intensely. I never realised how beautiful his eyes were. Wait, this is Malfoy. Snap out of it Y/N.

"Following me are we Malfoy?" I ask. He seems taken back by my sudden confidence but then smirks.

"No just observant" He says. I shake my head and chuckle at him. He shifts from foot to foot and I cross my arms. This is beyond weird. I'm having a semi decent conversation with Malfoy.

"You're lingering, whatever you want to ask just ask me" I say. He looks up and his eyes are widened slightly.

"See this is why I prefer you to Potter, at least you bite back" He says. This time it's my eyes that widen.

"A compliment? From Draco Malfoy. Hang on a second while I stop having a heart attack" I say, holding my chest and laughing.

"Okay okay don't push it" He says. He smiles up at me and for some reason I feel comforted. My belly erupts I'm small butterflies but I shake it off . "I just meant I like a challenge"

"Is that what I am then? A challenge?" I tease him. He is looking at my eyes intensely.

"No you're much more then that" He whispers. I swallow and my mouth falls open slightly.

"What did you say?" I ask. He turns around quickly realising what he's said.

"Uh nothing catch you later Potterette" He says rushing away. I shake my head and start walking to my next class. Harry and Ron join me as I'm walking up the stairs and are in deep conversation about how Hermione's cat has apparently killed Scabbers. I roll my eyes and sit in Divination.

"Welcome, my children. In this room, you shall explore the noble art of Divination. In this room, you shall discover if you possess the Sight. Hello. I am Professor Trelawney. Together we shall cast ourselves into the future. This term, we'll focus on Tasseomancy, the art of reading tea leaves. So please, take the cup of the person sitting opposite you. What do you see? The truth lies buried like a sentence deep within a book, waiting to be read. But first, you must broaden your minds. First, you must look beyond" Trelawny says, making her way around the room with weird hand gestures. I roll my eyes and lean back in my chair as she pats Seamus.

"What a load of rubbish" Hermione says. I jump and see her next to me. Ron looks up in shock as well.

"Where did you come from?" Ron asks. She shrugs and fixes her hair.

"Me? I've been here all this time" She says and I raise my eyebrows. There's something going on with her.

"You, boy... Is your grandmother quite well?" Trelawny continues and stops at Neville.

"I think so" He says nervously.

"I wouldn't be so sure of that. Give me the cup. Pity" She states and puts the cup down. I notice Nevilles worried expression as he picks the cup back up. "Broaden your minds. Your aura is pulsing, dear. Are you in the beyond? I think you are"

"Sure" Ron says as she stops in front of our table.

"Look at the cup. Tell me what you see" She says. He takes Harry's cup and looks at it confused. Then turns a few pages in his book.

"Yeah. Harry's got sort of a wonky cross. That's trials and suffering. And that there could be the sun and that's happiness. So... you're gonna suffer, but you're gonna be happy about it" He says to Harry. Harry sighs and shakes his head at Ron.

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