7 (chapter 6)

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"Y/N? Hermione?" Harry shouts waking us both up. I rub my eyes and walk out of the tent.

"What's all the shouting for?" I shout as Hermione follows me.

"Is everything alright?" Hermione asks. I look at him properly to see he's soaking wet. What has he been doing?

"Fine... Actually it's more than fine" He says and moves to reveal Ron. I smile a him when turn to HermioneS

"Hi" He says holding the sword and the locket in his other hand.

You...a complete arse of, a Weasley! You show up here after weeks and you say 'hey'?" Hermione says hitting him with his bag. "Where's my wand, Harry? Where is my wand?"

"I don't know," Harry says, backing away from her.

"Harry Potter You give me my wand!" She shouts. Ron looks at us confused.

"What happened to your wand?" He asks. Hermione turns back to him with a glare.

"Nevermind he's got my wand" She says and I nudge her.

"Hermione, look," I say. Her eyes widen and land on the locket and sword.

"What is that? You destroyed it. And how is it that you just happened to have the sword of Gryffindor?" She asks, crossing her arms annoyed. Ron looks proud of himself.

"It's a long story" He says sharing a look with Harry.

"Don't think it changes anything" She says and storms back inside but stops.

"Of course not. I only destroyed a bloody Horcrux, why will that change anything. I wanted to come back as soon as I left. I just didn't know how to find you" He shouts at her.

"How did you find us?" I ask. He holds up the Deluminator.

"With this. Doesn't just Turn out lights I don't know how it works but christmas morning I sleeping in this little pub keeping away from some snatchers. When I heard it" He says and Hermione looks at him confused but still with a glare. He's not getting out of this one easy.

"What?" Harry asks standing beside me.

"A Voice. Your voice, Hermione. comin out of it" He says. I tell myself not to gag at the story and then smile at Hermione knowingly.

"And what exactly did I say if I may ask?" She asks.

"My name. Just my name. like a whisper. So I took it, clicked it...this tiny ball of light appeared. It flew towards me, a ball of light. Right into my chest. Straight through me. Right here I knew that it was gonna take me where I needed to go so I disapparated came to this hillside It was dark, I had no idea where I was. I just hoped one of you will show yourself" He says. Hermione just scoffs and goes inside the tent.

"Well I for one think that story was gross but I have missed you" I say and he hugs me.

"I missed you too," He says. We all sit down around the fire.

"I have always liked these flames Hermione makes. How long do you think she will stay mad at me?" He says. I look over at her by the lake and smile.

"I don't know... just keep talking about that little ball, and it might touch her in the heart and she will come around" I tease and he shoves me playfully.

"It's true. Every word. This is gonna sound crazy. But I think thats why Dubledore left it to me The deluminator. I think somehow he knew I'll need to find my way back" He says. He takes out a wand and hands it to Harry. "Hey, I just realized you need a wand, don't you? I got one here. Blackthorn 10 inches , nothing special. I took off a snatcher few weeks ago"

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