7 (chapter 7)

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"Guys run! Go now!" I scream. He grabs me tightly and I try to push him off as the others run. "Get your filthy hands off of me!"

"Harry!" Hermione shouts. They all fall back into the clearing. Harry is knelt on the floor covering his face. Ron is dragged back by the snatcher. Scabior has a tight hold on me.

"Do not touch her!" Ron says as Hermione is shoved into the clearing and then forced up. The guy punches Ron in the stomach and Hermione winces.

"Your boyfriend will get much worse for that if he doesn't learn to behave himself! And what happened to you, ugly? No, not you. What is your name?" Scabior asks Harry. Hermione put an enchantment on his face.

"Dudley. Vernon Dudley" He says. Scabior doesn't look convinced as he holds me tighter.

"Check it" He says. They start to search Harry.

"And you and ugly, lovely? What do they call you?" He asks Hermione as he hands me over to someone else.

"Penelope Clearwater, Half blood" She spits.

"There is no Vernon Dudley on here" The guy says.

"You hear that ugly? This means you're lying to us. Why didn't you tell us? Who you are?" Scabior mocks him with a wide smirk.

"I already told you who I am," Harry says. Scabior turns to me and his smirk gets wider. His hand goes to my hair and then he smiles.

"I know this one very well. Change of plan. We are not taking this lot to the Ministry" He says.

"Shit..." I say. They drag us to a nearby mansion and I feel my heart stop and my stomach does a flip as Bellatrix comes into light. She smirks when she sees me.

"Get Draco" She says and I resist the urge to throw up. "Give her to me!" Her nails dig into my arms as she throws me on the floor in the main room.

"Y/N..." A familiar voice says walking into the room. I turn to meet his grey eyes and they soften.

"Draco...l..." I say. He goes to run to me but Bellatrix stops him. She takes Harry and holds him up by his hair.

"No time for a lovers reunion, Draco. Come here" She says. Draco walks over to Harry. "Well?"

"I can't be sure," He says. I try to stop the test that flows as I see how pale he is. His hands shaking ever so slightly.

"Look closely, son. If we are the ones who hand both of the Potters to the Dark Lord...everything would be forgiven, it would all be as it was understood?" Lucius says. Draco looks at his father and then meets my eye.

"Now we won't be forgetting who really caught him...I hope Mr Malfoy" Scabior says.

"Don't dare to talk to me like that in my own house!" He shouts. Narcissa walks forward and takes her husband's arm.

"Lucius!" She warns as Bellatrix forces Harey to kneel.

"Do not be shy, come closer! If this isn't who you think it is Draco and we will call Him, He'll kill us all. We need to be absolutely sure!" She says and he turns to me. "Don't look at her. Look at him"

"What's wrong with his face?" He asks quietly.

"Yes, what is wrong with his face?" Narcissa asks the snatchers. They just shrug and I watch Draco looking at Harry. Please Draco don't out him.

"We captured him like that. Something he captured in the forest I reckon. That happens during a stinging jinx" One of the Snatchers says. Bellatrix let's Harry go and smirks at me.

"Was it you? Give me your wand, let's see what your last spell was" She says. Then something else catches her eye. "What's that? Where did you get that from?"

"It was in her bag when we searched her. I reckon it's mine now" The man says. She looks livid and then kills the snatcher.

"Are you mad?" Scaboir shouts.

"Get out!...Get out!" She screams and they run. She picks up Harry and Ron and passes them to Narcissa.

"Cissy ...hold those boys in the basement! I'd like a conversation with this one...girl to girl!" She says as Draco walks over to take me as well. "She stays"

"Bellatrix! I made a deal! Leave her alone!" Draco angrily yells with his hand on my waist.

"You didn't kill Dumbledore which means I can hurt her as long as she stays breathing" She says walking over to me. Dave turns back to Hermione and pushes her on the floor. Draco takes my wrist to stop me doing anything stupid.

"The Sword is meant to be in my vault. How did you get it? Did you and your friend STEAL FROM MY VAULT?" She screams in her face. I wince and Draco rubs his finger on the back of my hand.

"I didn't take anything," Hermione begs.

"I do not believe you" She shouts and carves something in her arm. I try to go forward but Draco holds me back as she screams.

"No! Let her go! Please you can do what you want to me just let her go!" I shout. Bellatrix turns to me.

"Y/N no!" Draco warns. I let the tears slip from my eyes as Hermione lays emotionless on the floor.

"Let her go! You can take me to him! Just leave her please..." I say. Bellatrix smirks and walks over to me. Lucius pulls Draco away.

"I really don't see what my nephew sees in you. You're weak" She says and I bite my tongue. "Then again you didn't have very good role models? You never learn do you?"

"I learned plenty thanks," I say. She smirks and stabs the knife into my shoulder. I scream as pain courses through my body.

"I hope you learnt a healing spell" She says and pushes me. I fall onto my knees and Draco runs over to me.

"No! Y/N...I've got you. Look at me, Y/N don't close your eyes" He says as I start to feel hazy. My eyes start to close slowly.

"Draco...I love you" I eke out and then pass out in his arms.

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