6 (chapter 6)

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"Fred put me down!" I say as he levitates me into the air. I shake my head at him.

"Fine," He says. He hugs me and I shove him away playfully.

"You're a pain, you know that right? Is my room booby trapped too?" I say. He laughs and shakes his head at me.

"No, I didn't have time to do that" He admits and I sigh in relief. We walk into the kitchen where Mrs Weasley is cooking.

"Thank god" I say and she holds a plate out to me.

"Mince Pie?" She asks. I shake my head but notice the cookies.

"I'm okay thank you Mrs Weasley, I will take a cookie though" I say. I take one and turn to see Harry in a heated conversation with Remus and Mr Weasley. "What are they talking about?" Fred gives me a sympathetic look and I realise.

"Y/N...Harry's just concerned," He says. I shake my head and stand up from the table:

"It's fine, clearly he can't take my word for it. I'm going to bed" I say. I start walking up to my bedroom and sit on the window reading my letters from Draco. There is an eruption of fire from the ground. I stand up and see her black curls. "Bellatrix!" I run down the stairs as quickly as I can. Remus and Mr Weasley are by the door. I push past Tonks and run after her.

"Harry, no! Y/N, come back!" They shout. I jump over the fire and run through the crops. I stop and listen for sounds as I draw my wand.

"I killed Sirius Black! I killed Sirius Black! You coming to get me? Get me! He's trying to get me!" I hear her shout. I take off in the direction of her voice and land in a pond. I pull myself up and look around. Harry and Ginny run into the clearing:

"Stupefy!" Harry shouts as the first spell hits us.

"Expelliarmus" I shout as I see Bellatrixs hair. She easily dodges and Remus pulls me behind him. I see Mr Weasley do the same with Ginny. Then two black clouds go into the air. We all watch gobsmacked as they crash into the house. It sets alight.

"Molly" Mr Weasley says. We run back towards the burrow and everyone stood outside.

"Oh my god..." I say. Fred and George see me and check I'm okay. Harry walks over to Ron.

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