7 (chapter 3)

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"Right, Remember what we said. Don't speak to anybody, Unless it is absolutely necessary. Just...Try and act normal. Do what everybody else is doing. Do that and with a bit of luck we'll get inside" Hermione explains as I lay down the fourth person. She hands us all a glass of poly juice potion. I turn my nose up at the smell. I add the hairs of the blonde pure blood in front of me.

"And then ... It gets really tricky" Ron says.

"Right" She says and puts her hairs in.

"This is completely mental," I say. They all nod in agreement.

"Completely?" Hermione asks.

"The world is mental. Come on. We have a Horcrux to find" Harry says. We down the drink and change into their clothes. I put on the right black suit and take her bag. The four of us walk out. Hermione and I together and the boys following. We look around before going into the bathrooms.

"We have to flush ourselves in" I tell Hermione before we walk into the stalls. She nods and smiles at me. I place my feet in the toilet and pull down on the chain. I transport to the fireplace next to Hermione. We both walk forward and get through the security guards. Hermione stops suddenly and I turn to see the statue.

"Are those..?" I ask as Harry and Ron disguised join us.

"Muggles. In their...rightful place" She chokes out. I turn and see wanted posters with mine and Harry's face on them. I gulp and point them out to Harry.

"How long did you say this polyjuice potion will last, Hermione?" He asks. She looks at us with wide eyes.

"I didn't," She says. We make our way to the elevator and as the door is shutting, someone stops it.

"Cattermole. It's still raining inside my office. It's been two days now" Yaxley says. He looks directly at Ron.

"Have you tried an umbrella?" He jokes and Yaxley glares at him angrily.

"You realize i'm going downstairs don't you, Cattermole?" He says. Ron gulps and looks like he's about to pass out.

"Downstairs?" He asks.

"To interrogate your wife. Now if my wife's blood status were in doubt and the Head of Department of Magical Law Enforcement needed a job doing. I think I might just make that a priority. You have one hour" He says and then let's the elevator go. Ron starts panicking.

"Oh my god, what am I gonna do?" He says pacing around the room. "My wife is all alone downstairs"

"Ron, you don't have a wife" I point out. He sighs in relief.

"Oh right" He nods as the elevator stops.

"Level 2" It says. Ron turns to us.

"How do I stop it raining? He asks us.

"Try Finite Incantatem" Hermione says. He nods and Harry pushes him forward.

"This is you, Ron," He says. Ron nods and goes to leave as the door closes.

"Finite Incantatem. Okay. And if it doesn't work?" He says and I realise it's too late as we are already on our way down.

"I say if don't locate Umbridge within the hour, we find Ron and come back another day. Deal?" Harry says as the elevator stops.

"Yes" Hermione and I say. The door opens and reveals the pink lady herself. I have to force a smile instead of looking at her disgusted.

"Ah, Mafalda, Emily, Trevor sent you, did he? Good. We'll go straight down" She says getting in. She turns to Harry with a smile. "Albert, weren't you getting out?" He gets out and we go down to the bottom floor in silence. Umbridge walks out first and I turn to Hermione.

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