1 (chapter 7)

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The next morning, in the great hall. We are sitting, eating breakfast. I see Harry is twirling his food on a fork.

"Take a bit of toast, mate, go on" Harry says. He drops his fork.

"Ron's right, Harry. You're gonna need your strength today" I tell him and he shrugs.

"I'm not hungry" He says and Snape appears behind him and Ron.

"Good luck today, Potter. Then again, now that you've proven yourself against a troll, a little game of Quidditch should be easy work for you...even if it is against Slytherin" He says. He leaves but is limping away.

"That explains the blood" Harry mutters. I look at him confused and take a bite of my pancakes.

"Blood?" Hermione asks.

"Listen, last night, I'm guessing Snape let the troll in as a diversion so he could try and get past that 3 headed dog. But, he got himself bitten, that's why he's limping" Harry explains.

"But why would anyone go near that dog?" Ron asks. I look up at Harry.

"The day we were at Gringotts, Hagrid took something out of one of the vaults. He said it was Hogwarts' business, very secret" I remind him.

"So you're saying..." Hermione says.

"That's what the dog's guarding. That's what Snape wants" Harry finishes. An owl screeches. It's Hedwig. She is carrying a very large, long parcel. She drops it off. Harry has Ron catch it.

"Bit early for mail, isn't it?" Hermione points out. I look at Harry confused.

"But I-I never get mail" Harry says. I shrug and Ron kneels up.

"Let's open it," He says. We all pull the wrapping open and see a broom.

"It's a broomstick!" Harry says with a wide smile.

"Thats not just any broomstick, Harry. It's a Nimbus 2000!" Ron says in awe.

"But who...?" Harry says. He looks up and I follow his sight to see Professor McGonagall up at the head table, stroking Hedwig. She smiles and Harry nods. We make our way to the quidditch pitch and I stand with Ron, Hermione and Hagrid.

"Hello, and welcome to Hogwarts' first Quidditch game of the season! Today's game Slytherin versus Gryffindor!" The announcer says. The players take their positions in the air in a circle. I clap my hands as I see Harry take his position. "The players take their positions as Madam Hooch steps out onto the field to begin the game"

"Now, I want a nice clean game...from all of you" Hooch says.

"The bludgers are up...followed by the Golden Snitch. Remember, the snitch is worth 150 points. The seeker who catches the Snitch ends the game. The snitch zooms around each Seeker's head, then disappears" Lee shouts. Hooch grabs the Quaffle and throws it up. "The Quaffle is released...and the game begins!" Gryffindor takes possession of the ball and the chaser, zooms past Slytherins towards their goal, and throws the ball, and scores! There is a ding. "Angelina Johnson scores! 10 points for Gryffindor!" Harry, in the air, claps. "Slytherin takes possession of the Quaffle"

We watch as Slytherin pass the ball aroung and head for the hoops. Oliver appears and whacks the ball away with his broom. He smirks at Flint, who glares. The Slytherins decide to get messy. They dodge, kick, and try to score. Once again, Oliver blocks. Flint grabs a beaters bat from one and whacks a bludger right at Oliver. It hits Oliver in the stomach and he falls to the ground.The crowd boos. I try to search for Harry as Slytherin scores once again. Suddenly, Harry sees the Snitch. He starts to head off after it and then his broom starts bucking and turning.

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