4 (chapter 3)

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"Hello. l'm Rita Skeeter. l write for the Daily Prophet. But of course you know that, don't you? lt's you we don't know. You're the juicy news. What quirks lurk beneath those rosy cheeks? What mysteries do the muscles mask? Does courage lie beneath those curls? ln short, what makes a champion tick? ''Me, Myself & l'' want to know. Not to mention my rabid readers. So who's feeling up to sharing? Shall we start with the youngest? Lovely" She says pulling Harry away. Cedric turns to me and pulls me over to the window.

"How are you feeling?" He asks, studying my face. I shrug and try to put a mask up so that he doesn't know I'm terrified.

"Pissed off" I mumble and look at Fleur and Krum. He makes me look at him again and smiles at me.

"Y/N, I want to help you as much as I can" He says. I nod slowly.

"Thank you Cedric" I say as Rita comes out of the room. She looks straight at me. She wraps her false nails around my wrist and pulls me forward.

"You next dear" She says. I take a deep breath and follow her into the cupboard. We sit down and she smirks at me.

"So the mysterious Y/N Potter, more in the dark then your brother am I right?" She starts. I shrug and watch the quill taking it all down.

"I just like to stay out of the spotlight" I say. She nods slowly and looks at me trying to study me out.

"What about a mystery man? Someone to cheer you on?" She asks. I shake my head and give her a disgusted look.

"No" I answer plainly. She crosses her arms and gives me a fake smile.

"Well well you are a dark horse" She says tapping her nails. I really don't like this woman and I'm not going to have her thinking things that aren't true.

"Listen I don't care about winning some cup, I certainly don't care enough to sit here with someone like you trying to expose me or make lies. So I'm going" I say and leave the room. The others give me a look and I just go back to my dorm all night until Harry comes and gets me. I sigh and walk down the stairs with him.

"Sirius?" He calls out. No one is there and he picks up the paper. "Harry Potter, age 12 suspect entrant in the Triwizard Tournament. His eyes swimming with the ghosts of his past and choking back tears..." He rolls his eyes and scrunches it up.

"What did she write about me?" I ask.

"Something about you being a narcissistic and a secret boyfriend that I won't approve of" He says. I scoff and fall on the couch.

"That bitch" I say as Harry throws the paper into the fire. There is a cough from the fire and Sirius' face appears from the ashes.

"Sirius. How--?" Harry asks and we both kneel down. I couldn't be happier to see my godfather.

"l don't have much time, so let me get straight to it. Did you or did you not put your names into the Goblet of Fire?" He asks.

"No! We're not that suicidally crazy" I say. He laughs lightly.

"l had to ask. Now, tell me about this dream of yours. You mentioned Wormtail and Voldemort. But who was the third man in the room?" He asks directly to Harry.

"l don't know" Harry answers.

"You didn't hear a name?" Sirius continues.

"No. Voldemort was giving him a job to do. Something important" He tells him and Sirius nods.

"And what was that?" He asks.

"He wanted us. l don't know why. But he was gonna use this man to get to us. But, l mean, it was only a dream, right?" Harry says shrugging and looking at both of us.

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