6 (chapter 7)

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"It's so easy for them to get to you. You're bloody lucky you weren't killed. You have to realise who you are!" Hermione lectures me and Harry as we walk to potions.

"I know who we are, Hermione, alright" I snap. She shoots me a look and I smile at her. "Sorry" We stop and see Lavender all over Ron. It's disgusting.

"Excuse me, I have to go and vomit" Hermione says and walks away. I feel nauseous myself just watching it so I turn.

"I think I'll join you on that one" I say and leave Harry. I catch up to Hermione. My eyes catch sight of Draco walking towards us. "Hermione?"

"Yeah?" She says turning to me. We both stop. I take a deep breaths

"Do you think I'm doing the right thing? I don't want to choose between Harry and Draco" I say. She smiles at me and looks to Draco.

"You won't have to. I'm sure we will get it all cleared up. Draco loves you Y/N and so does Harry" She says. She leaves as Draco grabs my arm.

"Draco what the hell?" I say as he pulls me into an empty classroom. He turns and glares at me.

"You went after Bellatrix! You seriously have lost it" He shouts angrily. I shake my head at him and he runs a hand through his hair.

"She killed my godfather Draco. I was acting on my anger" I shoot back. He grabs both of my shoulders.

"You're going to get yourself killed! Is that what you want?" He shouts. I know he's angry I would be too but I'm not a kid.

"No of course it's not" I tell him. He sighs and then pulls me into his arms.

"Come here" He says. I wrap my arms around his back and he pulls away putting his hands on my cheeks. "God you scare me half to death sometimes" I smile up at him.

"Ditto" I say. He sits on the desk and I stand in between his legs. His fingers entwine with mine and I smile softly at him.

"I just love you too much to watch you get hurt" He says. I kiss him and then pull away.

"I love you too," I tell him. We walk back out of the classroom. "Meet you in the room of requirement?" He nods and kisses my forehead walking to his common room. I go straight to the room and take out my books.

"Y/N..." Someone says. I stand up slowly and look around.

"Draco? Is that you?" I ask. I see a glass ball roll across the floor. I walk slowly over to the direction it came from. But it's empty. Weird. I reach down to grab the ball and gasp as it shoots a jolt through me.

"Harry look after your sister, Mama loves you both. Dada loves you. Be safe" Mum says and she kneels down next to our cribs. My tiny hand latches on to Harry's. I look up and see a hooded figure.

"Avada Kedavra" He says as Mum puts herself in between us and him. There's a bright green light and I'm thrown next to the archway again. I see Harry take out Lucius.

"Nice one James!" Sirius shouts. I turn to see Bellatrix shoot the spell at him. My knees go weak and my scream pierces my ears.

"No! Sirius!" I scream and then it all goes black. I stood in black water with no light around me. My heart rate increases.

"Hello Y/N" A voice says. I look up to see no one there. I recognise the voice as it sends chills up my back.

"Voldemort" I say. I hear my mum scream again and I hold my hands over my ears. "Get the hell out of my head"

"I'm not in your head Y/N. This is all you" He says. I open my eyes to see a figure laying in a pool of blood. I step forward and then drop to my knees. The scream erupts in my lungs. Draco.

My eyes shoot open and I fall to the floor with a painful scream. Glass shatters around me as a blue light comes from my hands. My head goes funny and I hear someone shouting for me but it feels like their in the distance. The blue light stops and my head feels dizzy. Two arms grab me as I fall down.

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