7 (chapter 4)

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The next few days are spent talking over a new plan and trying to find a way to destroy the horcrux. I'm sat outside with Hermione reading my mum's diary about her powers. Hermione helps me test out a stronger shield and healing. "You-Know- Who found Gregorovitch?" Harry comes out of the tent and sits around the fire with us.

"The Wand Maker?" I ask. He nods and holds his hands out to warm up.

"He wants something that Gregorovitch used to have. I do not know what. But he wants it desperately. As if his life depended on it" He continues and then hears the radio click on from inside.

"Don't, its his comfort zone" Hermione says. He sighs and paces around.

"It sets my teeth on edge, What's he expecting to hear? Good news?" Harey snaps biting his nails.

"One can only hope not to hear bad news" Hermione says and I look towards the tent.

"How long before he can travel?" He asks. He looks at me and I shrug.

"I'm doing everything I can," I say.

"You are not doing enough!" He shouts at me. I see the horcrux around his necks and stand up.

"Take it off Harry! I said, Take it off now!" I shout and he takes it off handing it to me. "Better? Right. We will take in turns, okay? We don't need to be at each other's throats" I put it on and then we hear footsteps.

"What is that?" Harry says. Hermione and I walk over to the shield with him behind us. Three guys appear and they're carrying two bodies.

"Snatchers" Hermione says.

"Good to know that your shield works" Harry whispers as one of them stops in front of Hermione and sniffs. Then walks away.

"And the enchantments" I add. We start to walk away from the shield and back to the tent.

"He could smell it. my perfume" Hermione says as Harry and her bicker. "I told you Ron is not strong enough to apparate"

"So we will go on foot then. Only next time, even when I like your perfume, do not use it" Harry says. We pack everything up the next morning and begin walking to the next place.

"The names of missing... .These are confirmed" Ron's radio starts listing names. I listen too in case I hear Draco or Fred or George. Or anyone I care about for that matter. We stop halfway through the day and Ron takes the locket for a while. I thank him and go sit on the edge of the beach. I put up the shield and enchantments myself and then look out at the view.

"She's going to make herself ill" I hear Harry mutter.

"He's her first love Harry. Of course she wants to know how he's doing" Hermione says. I hear him scoff.

"He let her get tortured" He says.

"He couldn't help it just like you couldn't and you heard what he said on that balcony, he had to take the mark to protect her," She says. We move again the next morning to a different woods. I am laid on the top bunk about to go to sleep when I hear Hermione.

"Oh My God!" She shouts. I sit up and see her stop cutting Harry's hair. He looks worried.

"What?" He asks, feeling the back of his head.

"I'll tell you in a minute" She says walking over to her books.

"You can tell me now?" Harry says getting worried. I jump down and walk over.

"What's going on?" I ask. Hermione looks up at me with widened eyes.

"Sword of Gryffindor . Its goblin made" She says and o clock on.

"Brilliant," Harry says. I shake my head at him.

"No, you don't understand. Dirt and dust have no effect on the blade. It only takes in that which makes it stronger" I tell him. He still looks confused.

"Okay..." He says. I turn to HermioneS

"Oh my god you're right" She says. "We are looking for a way to destroy horcrux , right? Tom Riddle's diary in the Chamber of Secrets"

"With a basilisk fang If you tell me you got , one of those in that bloody beaded bag of yours..." Harry says. She shakes her head.

"Don't you see? In The Chamber of Secrets you stabbed the Basilisk with the sword of Gryffindor Its blade is impregnated with basilisk venom" She says. Harry then realises and nods.

"It only takes that which makes it stronger" He says. I smile at him.

"Exactly, which is why It can destroy Horcruxes" I say. He sits down at the table with us.

"That's why Dumbledore left it to you in his will" Hermione finishes. Harry looks over at the book and smiles.

"You're brilliant, Hermione. Truly" He says. Finally we're actually getting somewhere.

"Actually, I just highly logical thinking, which allows me to see past and irrelevant details..." Hermione says as the lights go out. I look over to see Ron standing there.

"...and perceived clearly which others overlook Yeah, there is only one problem. Someone stole the sword. Hey, I'm still here. You two carry on. Don't let me spoil the fun" He says. Harry stands and Hermione and I share a look of concern.

"I told you everything that Dumbledore told me! In case you haven't noticed We have found one Horcrux already" Harry says. I know Ron's frustrated it's been months since we have found anything else. All we've been doing is moving around.

"Yes, and we are as close to getting rid of it as we are to finding the rest, aren't we?" He says angrily. I notice he still has the Horcrux on and it was meant to be Hermione's turn.

"Ron, Please, take off the Horcrux ... you wouldn't have spoken like this if you hadn't worn it all day" She says trying to take it off but he stops herZ

"You know, why do I listen to the radio every night? To make sure that i don't hear Ginny's name, or Fred, or George or moms..." He says.

"You think I don't know that? You think i don't know how it feels?" Harry shouts. Ron is just scared Harry needs to back off and let him calm down.

"You don't know how it feels! Your parents are dead! You have no family!" Ron shouts and I feel a pang in my heart.

"Ron!" Hermione shouts as the boys go to lunge for each other. I throw myself in the middle.

"Stop! Stop!" I shout and light comes from my hands throwing them both to the floor. They look at me shocked. "That is enough for the pair of you! This is hard enough on all of us. Ron I know you're worried about your family but we can't see them till this is done. You don't think I'm worried? Fred and George are my best friends and my boyfriend is a death eater! So stop for a second and think about the rest of us!" He looks at me and then at Harry.

"I can't think with them two all over each other!" He shouts. I scoff and Harry stands up.

"Go! Go Then Ron..." He shouts. Ron picks up his bag and I see tears forming in Hermione's eyes.

"And you? Are you coming or are you staying?" He says to Hermione and she shakes her head. "Fine. I get it. I saw you two the other night"

"Ron...There is nothing. Ron! Ron, where are you going? Come back, now!" She shouts running after him. I turn to Harry and shake my head at him.

"What?" He asks, straightening himself up.

"You didn't need to antagonise him" I say and walk out to find Hermione. She sat there crying. I pull her into my arms as she watches Ron disappear into the distance. My heart is aching for my best friend. The next two days are basically silent.

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