2 (chapter 6)

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"Hermione? You didn't come to breakfast" I say walking into the Library. She's not in her usual spot so I walk around the corner and see her laid on the floor. I walk closer and see she is petrified. "Oh my god! Hermione! Someone help!" Professor McGongall and Snape come running around the corner.

"Miss Potter?" She asks. I stay kneeled on the floor as I look up at them with tears in my eyes.

"I came looking for her and found her like this" I say. They nod and share a look.

"Follow me" She says and helps me up. "Severus can you get her to the infirmary?" McGonagall leads me to her classroom and hands me a cup of hot cocoa. I smile at her gratefully. She asks me to tell her what happened. "Thank you Miss Potter, now back to your dormitory"

"All students will return to their house common rooms by 6:00 every evening. All students will be escorted to each lesson by a teacher. No exceptions. I should tell you this: Unless the culprit behind these attacks is caught it is likely the school will be closed" McGonagall comes and gives the announcement. Harry and Ron come join me on the sofa. I ignore their ramblings when George rubs my back.

"Y/N are you okay?" He asks. I nod and wipe away a few tears.

"Yeah I think I'm going to get some sleep George" I say.

"Potterette" Malfoy calls after me. I've just finished charms class.

"I'm not in the mood Malfoy!" I shout. He runs in front of me and stops me.

"Wait up would you?" He asks.

"What do you want?" I snap at him. He holds out my potions book.

"No need to bite my head off, you left your book in Snape's class. He also asked me to tell you Professor Dumbledore needs to talk to you" He says. I nod and give him an apologetic smile.

"Right, thank you" I say.

"You're welcome" He says and then walks away. I make my way to Dumbledore's office.

"Professor?" I call out and he walks down the stairs.

"Ah Miss Potter, I'm sorry to call on you in the middle of your classes but I fear I am running out of time" He says. I look at him confused as he picks up the sorting hat.

"Time sir?" I ask. He nods and walks around his desk.

"Now you must have a few questions for me but I don't have long," He says, handing it to me.

"I've already been sorted into my house Professor" I say confused. He nods and smiles.

"As you have my dear but I asked for you to be placed in gryffindor" He admits.

"What why?" I ask, shocked.

"Because my dear, you are more than just one thing. That is your talent. Here try the hat on" He says. I nod and place it on my headS

"Ah Miss Potter, we meet again" it says coming alive. "You are a strange one, my...my...a young witch that shows such courage, bravery, nerve and chivalry. But also shows many other attributes like Hufflepuff the ability to value hard work, patience, justice, and loyalty. And Ravenclaw valuing intelligence, learning, wisdom and wit. Finally the attributes of a slytherin showing ambition, cunning, leadership, and resourcefulness. You are more than an ordinary witch Miss Potter"

"So why Griffindor sir? Why not one of the others?" I ask. I'm shaking and trying to wrap my head around all of this as I take the hat off.

"Because it is your parents blood running through your veins. Miss Potter, I'd like you to keep this to yourself but you are no ordinary student much like your brother" He says. I nod and take a deep breath.

"Thank you Professor" I say.

"Off you go" He says. I walk back to the common room and suddenly Ginny approaches me.

"Y/N?" She asks.

"Ginny! What are you doing here?" I say shaking my head. I smile at her and she looks up at me.

"I need to show you something," She says. I follow behind her quickly to Moaning Myrtle's bathroom.

"Okay?" I say. I look around and then back up at her. "Ginny why are we here?"

"I'm sorry Y/N" She says and there's a loud noise. Then the sinks drift apart. A man steps out with dark hair. I move back and feel my palms getting sweaty.

"Who are you?" I ask. He smiles and then turns to Ginny.

"Ginny your services are no longer required" He says and then clicks his fingers. She falls to the floor and I drop down next to her.

"No! Ginny? Wake up" I say shaking her.

"Unfortunately for you Miss Potter, you will meet the same fate. For I need the very best to be reborn" He says.

"Voldermort..." I whisper and then fall into darkness.

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