4 (chapter 4)

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"Cedric!" I shout running after him in the halls. He turns to me and smiles.

"Y/N?" He says. I stop in front of him out of breath.

"The first task is Dragons" I tell him. "They've got one for each of us" He scratches his head nervously. Why does he look like he already knows?

"Yeah Harry told me" He says and I am a bit taken aback cause I hadn't told Harry yet.

"Wait what? Harry knew?" I ask. He nods slowly, giving me a sympathetic look.

"Yeah I thought he'd told you" He says. I look over to see him walking in the courtyard and I feel my anger rising.

"No he didn't" I say through gritted teeth.

"Hey, listen. About the badges. i've asked them not to wear them, but..." He says and I start walking off.

"Don't worry about it" I say over my shoulder as I walk away. I walk over to Harry and shout his name. "Harry!"

"Y/N? I've been looking for you" He says turning to me and I cross my arms.

"How long did you know? Were you planning on telling me or did I have to find out for myself" I say letting my anger get the best of me.

"I was going to tell you but you were..." He says. But I shake my head and cut him off.

"No! Don't play the you were protecting me card! I'm your sister! I'm in the same situation as you! We both have to go against this so you decide to shut me out?! What the hell is that about?" I shout and push him.

"I don't know," He stammers. I noticed people gathered around and watching us. I ignore it because I'm used to it now.

"You know what forget it. If that's how you want to do this then we're done. I'll keep myself alive without you" I say and walk away. The next morning before the challenge, I sit in breakfast away from Harry, I just push it around my plate, feeling really nauseous.

"You need to eat" Hermione says. She has watched me worriedly all morning as I haven't said a word. I sigh and put my fork down.

"I can't, I'm going to get ready" I say and get up walking out of breakfast and to the champions tent.

"Potterette" Malfoy calls as I get out into the cold air. He jogs to catch up with me and I roll my eyes.

"So now you want to talk? Timing much?" I say motioning to the tent. He sighs.

"Listen to me, I know I was a dick and we probably have to have a proper conversation but just breathe while you're out there okay?" He says. I nod and force a smile out of myself.

"Thank you" I say.

"Good Luck" He says and walks away. I go into the tent and sit in my area while I put my clothes on. I strap the gloves to my hands and take a breath while looking at the mirror.

"Your attention, please. This is a great day for all of us. Each of the three tasks involves very considerable danger. Please keep your seats at all times. This will minimize any risks you may be exposed to" The announcer says. Dumbledore and Crouch walk into the tent and I walk out to see Hermione with Harry. The other champions are there as well.

"Good day, champions. Gather round, please. Now, you've waited, you've wondered, and at last the moment has arrived. A moment only four of you can fully appreciate. What are you doing here, Miss Granger?" Dumbledore asks and she shifts uncomfortably.

"Sorry, i'll just go" She says and leaves as Crouch walks next to Dumbledore.

"Barty, the bag," Dumbledore says. He pulls out a brown leather bag and notions for us.

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