6 (chapter 1)

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"Hermione? Have you seen my ring?" I ask as I start packing my stuff for Hogwarts.

"Yeah it's in here!" She shouts from the bathroom. She comes over and hands it to me. I slip it on and smile.

"Thank you" I say, sitting back on the bed. She gives me a questioning look.

"Has he still not written?" She asks. I sigh and shake my head sadly.

"No, he's probably busy with his father's trial" I say. The guilt is eating me up. I feel partly responsible and he shouldn't have had to find out like that. There is a squawk and we both walk out of the room.

"Is that an owl I heard?" Hermione asks. Ginny nods.

"You haven't seen him, have you? Apparently, he's wandering about the house" She says from the bottom. I shake my head.

"Really?" I ask.

"Really" Harry says. I smile bright as we haven't seen each other all summer. He kind of went rouge. Hermione and I rush down the stairs.

"I missed you!" I say running into his arms as Mrs Weasley moves out of the way. He hugs back and Hermione hugs him as well. We stand next to RonS

"A bit of... toothpaste" He points out to Hermione. We go up to Hermione and my room.

"So when did you get here?" He asks Hermione. She smiles as he burns the newspaper.

"A few days ago. Though for a while, I wasn't sure I was coming" She says. I smile sadly at her.

"Mum... sort of lost it, last week. Said Ginny and I have no business going back to Hogwarts. Even tried to stop Y/N going. It's too dangerous" Ron says. Harry looks shocked.

"Oh, come on" He says.

"She's not alone. Even my parents. They're Muggles, know something bad is happening" Hermione adds.

"Anyway, Dad stepped in. Told us she was being barmy and... Took a few days, but she came around" Ron says. Harry holds his hands out.

"But, this is Hogwarts we're talking about. It's Dumbledore. What could be safer?" He asks. He looks between us and I shrug.

"There's been a lot of talk recently that... Dumbledore's got a bit old" I say. He raises his eyebrows.

"What rubbish! Well, he's only... How old is he?" He says.

"Give or take a few years?" Ron jokes. We all sit and laugh. We make our way to the Weasleys opening shop night. Fred and George have opened a joke shop in Diagon Alley. I've been helping them get it organised most of summer.

"Step up, step up! We got fating fancies. And he's made me go. At just in for time for school. Puking Pastilles" They call out as we walk in. It's bustling with people. I follow Hermione to the love potions and give her a pointed look. She shrugs me off.

"Hello, ladies. Love potions, eh?" Fred says leaning over to us.

"Yeah. They really do work. Then again the way we heard you, sis... You're doing just fine on your own" George says to Ginny. She blushes.

"Meaning?" She says.

"Are you not currently dating Dean Thomas?" George says and she brushes him off with a small smile. She most definitely is. They've been sending sickly love letters all summer.

"It's none of your business" She says and walks away as they both look at me.

"Didn't you just go public with Draco Malfoy?" They say. I smirk coyly.

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