6 (chapter 8)

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"She should have woken up by now! Why is she still like this?!" I hear someone shout.

"Mr Malfoy you need to calm down. She is healing. We're doing everything we can" Someone says. My eyes flutter open.

"Y/N! Guys look!" Hermione says. My head hurts as I try to sit up. I feel a hand on my shoulder.

"Hey Y/N/N, you need to stay laying down okay?" Harry says and I lay back.

"Where am I? Mum? Harry, they hurt him. Where's Draco?" I beg feeling my eyes brim with tears.

"Shhh baby I'm here. I've got you" He says coming into view. I check him over for injuries and see my arms bandaged up. I go to take them off but Draco stops my hands. "You need to leave them on Princess the cuts are pretty deep"

"What happened?" I ask groggily. They all share a look. Draco helps me sit up slowly and Hermione hands me some water.

"Do you remember anything?" She asks sitting on the edge of my bed. I shake my head slowly. "Draco?" He sits down and takes my hands.

"Y/N, we were meant to meet in the room of requirement. When I got there you were on your knees bleeding pretty bad. I tried to run to you but I couldn't get through. It was like you had some type of shield around you" He says. My eyes widen. "You passed out and I brought you here" I close my eyes in disbelief.

"Ah Miss Potter, finally awake I see. If you three could wait outside" Dumbledore says walking into the room. Draco reluctantly lets my hands go and kisses my forehead. They walk out of the room and Dumbledore stands at the end of my bed.

"Professor I don't understand. What's happening to me?" I ask. He nods and smiles at me.

"Miss Potter do you remember our conversation about you being a mix of all four houses?" He asks and I nod waiting for him to continue. "When your mother was younger she had the ability to perform some spells without a wand. It seems she has passed those genes on to you in the form of protection"

"But sir...why have these abilities only shown up now?" I ask. He walks around to the side of my bed.

"They only show up when a witch or wizard connects themselves with their darkest memories. When you touched the crystal ball it reminded you of those as well as your fears. With some lessons you will be able to control these abilities" He says. He looks at the table next to me and I see some white roses. "He hasn't left your side since"

"The thought of him dying brought out my powers didn't it?" I ask. He nods slowly with a smile.

"True love is rare, Miss Potter hold on to it" He says. He walks out and only Draco comes back in. I smile at him softly as he takes my hands again.

"You scared me, I can't imagine if I lost you Y/N" He says. I put my hand on his cheek.

"You're not going to lose me. Now come here please" I say. He slips in the bed next to me and I lean back on his chest. "I love you"

"I love you too" He says. He holds me until I fall asleep. My worries about the new abilities melting away as I feel his heartbeat against mine. After a short sleep he catches me up on the latest, luckily not much has changed in the day I was unconscious. They discharge me later that day and Draco walks me back to my common room. Hermione and Harry are waiting for me, I see Harry glare at Draco hut shrug it off. I kiss him and then go inside.

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