7 (chapter 11)

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"Have you seen Draco?" I say to Neville walking into the castle. He shakes his head at me sadly.

"No sorry" He says. I walk into the hall and see people saying goodbye. I let a few tears fall and then walk over to see Mrs Weasley and George. Ginny looks up at me and I see Fred on the floor.

"Y/N?" George says. My heart breaks and tears flow freely as George stops hugging Ron. He turns to me.

"No...I'm so sorry. This is my fault. I'm so sorry George" I say and George pulls me into his arms. We both sob into each other's shoulder.

"Shhh. It's not your fault" He says and I rub his back. He pulls apart and motions for me to look next to Fred. I gasp.

"Remus? Tonks?" I say. More tears fall and I see Harry leave. I run after him as quickly. I find him in Dumbledore's office. "Harry..." He turns to me.

"Put your head in here" He says. I walk over and place my head in the water. There's a flash of light.

"Freak! Come here! I'm gonna tell mommy! You're a freak! You're a freak, Lily! Come here!" Petunia shouts at mum. On her hand is a small blue light and a flower emerges from it. Then a boy that looks like a young Snape appears. He shows her that he can make magic too.

"She's jealous. She's ordinary and you're special" He says as they sit down at the lake.

"That's not nice, Severus" Mom says with a smile. It switches to my mum with the sorting hat on her head.

"Gryffindor!" It shouts.

"Hi, I'm James" Dad introduces as Snape watches on.

"Hi, I'm Lily" She smiles, shaking her hand. I see them through the years and then at their wedding day.

"The prophecy did not refer to a woman. It spoke about a boy and girl born at the end of the July" Dumbledore says.

"Yes, but it's her children! He intends to hunt them down and kill them. Hide them... hide them all. I beg you!" Snape begs. Dumbledore turns to him.

"What would you give me in exchange, Severus?" He says.

"Anything" Snape cries. It flashes back to that night.

"Harry...Y/N, you were so loved. So loved! Harry, Y/N, mama loves you. Dadda loves you. Be safe. Be strong. Look after your sister Harry" Mum says to both of us. The door crashes open and she puts me back in the crib.

"Avada Kedavra!" Voldemort yells and the spell kills her and weakens him.

"You said you would keep her safe" Snape cries.

"Lily and James... put their faith in the wrong person, Severus. Rather like you" Dumbledore says. "The boy and girl survived"

"They don't need protection, the Dark Lord has gone" He says and slumps down defeated.

"The Dark Lord will return. And when he does, they will be in terrible danger! He has her eyes. If you truly loved her..." Dumbledore says. He loved mom. He wanted to protect her.

"No one can know," He says. Dumbledore nods.

"I shall never reveal the best of you, Severus" He says and it flashes to reveal Snape tending to Dumbledore.

"Drink it, it will contain the curse to your hand, for the time being. It will spread, Albus" He says and hands him a concoction.

"How long?" He asks.

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