7 (chapter 5)

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We apparate to a cliff after leaving Ron's scarf tied to a tree. Harry sets up the tent while I do the enchantments and shield. I am reading Draco's letter again when Harry shoots up.

"I open at the close" He says. "Y/N quick, Hermione? Hermione? You were right. Snitches have a flesh memory but I did not catch the first snitch with my hand. I almost swallowed it" We both stop next to Hermione and she looks at the snitched "I open at the close. What do you think that means?"

"I don't know" She says and hands it to me. I look at it confused. "I found something as well. At first I thought it was an eye, but now I don't think it is. And it's no rune, it is anywhere in Spellman's syllabary. Someone wrote it there. Somebody inked it in it isn't part of the book" I look at the symbol and sit next to her.

"Luna's dad was wearing that at the wedding of Bill and Fleur" Harry says.

"Why would someone draw it in a children's book?" I ask. They both shrug and I take a deep breathS "I've been thinking I want to go to Godric's Hollow. It's where we were born , It's where our parents died"

"That's exactly why they'll expect you to go. It means something to you" Hermione says. I nod but I have a feeling it would lead us to another horcrux.

"But it means something to him too, Hermione. You-Know-Who almost died there" I say. She nods slowly. "Isn't that exactly the type of place he'd be likely to hide a Horcrux?"

"It is dangerous, Y/N. But I admit it recently I've been thinking we have to go there. I think it is possible that something else is hidden there" She says. I look at her confused.

"What?" Harry asks. She closes her book.

"The Sword. If Dumbledore wanted you to find it, and to not let it fall into the hands of the Ministry what better place to hide it than the birthplace of founder of Gryffindor" She says and I agree with her as she looks at Harry's dodgy haircut.

"Hermione..." He says and she shakes her head with a small smile.

"Don't let me give you a haircut again" She says. We pack up and apparate the next day. The floor is covered with snow as we walk down the street.

"I still think that we should use Polyjuice Potion" Hermione says and I shake my head.

"No" I say.

"She's right, This is where we were born. I don't want to return as someone else" Harry says as I walk forward to see a church and graveyard.

"Y/N,Harry, I think it is Christmas eve. Listen" Hermione says. There is a choir singing in the background.

"Do you think they are here? Our mom and dad" I say. She nods slowly and we walk into the graveyard. I spot their names and Harry walks over to me. I share a sad look with him and join our hands.

"Hey, Harry, Y/N?" Hermione shouts. She walks over and makes a flower wreath with her wand. I smile softly at her as the bell chimes.

"Merry Christmas, Hermione, Y/n" Harry says. I smile at him.

"Merry Christmas, Harry" We both say. I look up to see a figure watching us.

"Guys. someone is watching us. Near the church" I say. Harry and Hermione turn around.

"I think I know who it is" Harry says and ushers us to follow. My stomach does flips. This doesn't feel right.

"I don't know about this, Harry," Hermione says. The woman continues walking and I stop. They turn to me.

"Dumbledore knew. She might have the sword" Harry says. I shake my head and look at the house. Harry looks up and his eyes widen.

"This is where they died.This is where he murdered them" I manage to get out. The woman appears next to us.

"You're Bathilda, aren't you?" Harry asks. She nods and leads us to her home. Harry follows and Hermione and I walk behind. We enter the house and it's pitch black. She tries to light a candle but Harry takes it from her. "Leave it, let me do that. Miss Bagshot, Who is this man?" She ushers for Harry to follow her upstairs. I turn to Hermione with worry and she motions for us to look around. We both walk down the hall with our wands lit. There are flies around the door at the end. I open it slowly and it's filled with blood and bodies. I put a hand over my mouth to stop the smell.

"Harry!" Hermione shouts. We run up the stairs to see the snake attacking Harry. I pull out my wand and stun it, it falls down the stairs and Hermione walks over to Harry. I follow and take a deep breath waiting for the snake. Harry looks over as it jumps out.

"Hermione, get us out of here!" I scream. She grabs both of our hands and we apparate to our next spot. I sigh land on a Forest floor. I set up the tent and enchantments as Hermione checks Harry's injuries.

"Are you feeling better?" Hermione asks when he comes back from a nap.

"Where are we this time, Hermione?" He says looking around at the trees and lake.

"Forest of Dean. I came here once with my mom and dad. Years ago. Its just how I remember it. Trees, the river, everything. Like nothings changed. This of course isnt true, everything has changed. If my parents were here they wouldn't remember any of it" She says and I smile at her sadly. "The trees. Or river. Not even me"

"It's peaceful" I say and move to sit next to her. She sighs and smiles at me.

"Perhaps we should stay here and grow old" She says. Harry comes and sits in front of us. "You wanted to know who the boy in the photograph was. I know. Gellert Grindelwald"

"He's the thief I saw in Gregorovitch's wand shop.Speaking of which where's my wand?" He says. We both look away guilty. "Where's my wand, Hermione?"

"As we were leaving Godrics Hollow I cast a curse. and it rebounded. I'm sorry. I tried to mend it, But wands are different" She says. He nods as she reveals the broken wand.

"Its nothing. Lend me yours. Go inside and get warm. I'll take the locket as well" He says. We both get up and I hug him.

"See you in the morning" I say. He smiles at me and we walk into the tent.

"Are you okay?" Hermione asks carefully. I turn to her and she smiles.

"You can say his name Hermione, I hear you and Harry whispering about it. I'm not losing it. I'm just worried" I say. I know they're worried about me, I've been quiet most of this trip but I can't stop thinking about him and what he's doing. If he's still him or if Voldemort got to him.

"I know you are, I'm sorry" She says. I lay down on my bed. "You'll see him soon"

"Maybe...or maybe he's changed," I say to myself and then fall asleep.

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