3 (chapter 10)

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"Hello, Y/N, Harry. I saw you two coming. I've looked worse, believe me" Lupin says as we walk up to his room. He must notice my shocked expression of all the cuts on his face. I see the room is packed up.

"You've been sacked" Harry asks and Lupin shakes his head at us both. He perched on the end of the desk.

"No. No. I resigned, actually" He admits and I'm quite shocked that he would do that.

"Resigned? Why?" I ask him. He forces a smile and I know he's hurt.

"Well, it seems that somebody let slip the nature of my condition. This time tomorrow, the owls will start arriving and parents will not want... well, someone like me teaching their children" He says. The world can be really cruel and never gives people a chance.

"But Dumbledore..." Harry tries but he is cut off.

"He has already... risked enough on my behalf. Besides, people like me are... Well, let's just say that I'm used to it by now. Why do you two look so miserable?" Lupin asks. I sit down and sigh.

"None of it made any difference. Pettigrew escaped" I say. He shakes his head and brushes my brown hair out of my face.

"Didn't make any difference? It made all the difference in the world. You uncovered the truth. You saved an innocent man from a terrible fate. It made a great deal of difference. If I am proud of anything... it is of how much you have learned this year. Now, since I am no longer your teacher... I feel no guilt whatsoever about giving this back to you. So now I'll say goodbye, Harry and Y/N. I feel sure we'll meet again sometime. Until then... mischief managed" He says and gives Harry the map.

"Sir, just so you know. You can't help what you are. It's not something to be ashamed of. Embrace it. Let it be the thing that makes you extraordinary" I tell him. He smiles gratefully at me. We watch with heavy hearts as he leaves the room with his cases. Harry and I hug each other and then make our way to breakfast. There's a commotion around the table.

"Stand back, I said! Or I'll take it upstairs if you don't settle" Ron shouts. They all see Harry and I enter.

"Harry. Wherever did you get it?" Dean asks.

"Can I have a go, Harry?" Seamus says and we both look confused. "After you, of course" We walk over to Ron.

"What are you talking about?" Harry says.

"Quiet. Let the man through" Ron says. The crowd disperses and we see a brown parcel on the table in front of the twins.

"I didn't mean to open it, Harry. It was badly wrapped. They made me do it" Ron says pointing at them both.

"Did not" They say and I shake my head laughing at them. Harry pulls the packaging off and reveals a new broom.

"It's a Firebolt. It's the fastest broom in the world" George tells him with a big smile on his face.

"For me? But who sent it?" Harry asks, amazed.

"No one knows. This came with it" Hermione says holding up one of Buckbeak's feathers. We all run out into the courtyard with Harry leading with the broom.

"Go on, Harry!" People shout as he gets on the broom.

"Yeah, let's see. How fast is it, Harry?" Ron shouts as he zooms off. I smile at my brother till someone taps my shoulder. I turn to see Malfoy.

"Potterette" He says with a small smile. We walk away from the crowd slightly.

"Malfoy," I say, crossing my arms and looking at his red mark on his cheek. Hermione does have a good hit.

"I hope you have a good break," He says. I am a little taken aback by his comment.

"Thank you, you too," I stammered as I turned away and he spoke again.

"Oh and Potterette, I found this, it must have fallen off" He says holding out my necklace with my parents rings on. I smile brightly and take it from him.

"Thank you, I was looking everywhere for it this morning" I say struggling to put it on my neck.

"Here let me" He says. I nod slowly and he takes the necklace again. I move my hair out of the way and feel his cold fingers on my neck. My skin erupts on fire and my heart flutters. After it's on my neck he moves my hair again and I turn to him. His eyes are softened and I look up at him.

"Thank you" I whisper. I realise how close we are and suck in a breath. He leans in slightly and my heart stops until he pulls away.

"You're welcome" He says and walks away.

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