3 (chapter 2)

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"I'm warning you, Hermione. Keep that beast away from Scabbers, or I'll turn it into a tea cozy" I hear Ron say as I walk down the stairs.

"It's a cat, Ronald. What do you expect? It's in his nature" Hermione says rolling her eyes as Ron clutches onto his ear.

"A cat? Is that what they told you? Looks like a pig with hair" Ron shoots back.

"That's rich... coming from the owner of that smelly old shoe brush. Crookshanks, just ignore the mean little boy" Hermione says stroking her cat. The floorboards creak and they both look up at me. Harry is also coming down the stairs.

"Harry! Y/N!" They both shout. We walk down the stairs and hug them both. We sit down by the fireplace and I can't help but let my mind wander to the events of last year.

"Y/N you're doing it again" Harry says clicking his fingers in front of my face. I shake my head and snap out of it quickly.

"Sorry, what were we talking about?" I say with a smile. Mrs Weasley walks over to us with the other members of the Weasley family. Both Fred and George give me a quick hug and then sit down.

"Y/N. Harry" Mrs Weasley says giving us a quick hug.

"Mrs. Weasley" I say smiling at her.

"Good to see you, dear" She says. She is holding a ginger cat carefully.

"Good to see you," Harry says.

"Got everything?" She asks

"Yes" We both answer with a smile.

"Yes? All your books?" She asks, putting a hand on Harry's cheek.

"It's all upstairs," I tell her. She nods.

"Your clothes?" She asks. I love seeing the Weasleys. It makes me feel like I'm part of a family. They always welcome us with open arms and take care of us as one of their own.

"Everything" Harry tells her.

"Good" She says. She smiles at me again and hugs me.

"Thank you" I say to her as she goes to sit down for breakfast.

"Y/N and Harry Potter" Mr Weasley says shaking our hands.

"Mr. Weasley" We greet warmly. He leans over to us.

"Y/N, Harry, wonder if I might have a word?" He asks. I look at Harry and nod slowly.

"Yeah, sure" Harry tells him. We start walking around to the other side of the room.

"Looking forward to a new term?" He asks as we stop behind a pillar and out of sight from the others.

"Yeah. It should be great" I tell him with a smile.

"Y/N, Harry, some within the Ministry would strongly discourage me... from divulging what I'm about to reveal to you both. But I think that you two need to know the facts. You are in danger. Grave danger" He says. I feel my palms getting slightly sweaty and I ball up my fists.

"Has this anything to do with Sirius Black, sir?" Harry asks. I look at the moving wanted poster on the wall and swallow a lump in my throat.

"What do you know about Sirius Black, Harry?" He asks. Harry shrugs and nods to the poster.

"Only that he's escaped from Azkaban" He says. Mr Weasley nods slowly and smiles.

"Do you know why?" He asks. We shake our heads. "Thirteen years ago, when you stopped..."

"Voldemort" I say. Mr Weasley sucks in a breath. I know they don't like it when Harry and I so brazenly say his name.

"Don't say his name," He says. I nod and shoot him an apologetic smile.

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