7 (chapter 12)

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"What if it didn't work?" Draco says as my eyes flutter open.

"Look she's waking up" Hermione says coming over to me. I rub my head. "Y/N? Hey how are you feeling?"

"Like I got hit by a bus" I say and look up at Harry. "What happened?"

"You nearly died, for the second time" He says. I smile as he takes my hand.

"I have a habit of getting myself in bad situations," I say.

"Yeah we know," Draco says, turning to me. I smile wider.

"You're still here?" I ask. He nods slowly and walks over to the bed.

"Of course I am" He tells me.

"We will give you guys some space" Ron says and takes Hermione's hand. "Glad you're feeling better" The three of them leave and Draco sits on the edge of the bed.

"Don't suppose you can promise not to get yourself nearly killed for a few years?" He says. I smile and take his hand.

"That depends..." I say. He glares at me.

"Y/N..." He warns. I smile and pull him into the bed with me.

"I'm just kidding" I say and kiss him.

"What have I gotten myself into?" He says shaking his head.

"I love you Draco" I tell him honestly.

"I love you Y/N" He says.

3 years later...

"Hermione, everything is perfect

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"Hermione, everything is perfect. Stop worrying" I tell her as she fiddles with my hair. "Teddy don't touch that sweetheart" He laughs at me and I pick him up. After Draco and I spoke with Molly and Arthur we were made aware that Remus wanted Teddy in my care. So after long conversations, we made the decision to take in Teddy, together.

"Okay...I'm sorry. This is just a big thing yanno. You're about to marry the man of your dreams. It has to be right" She says and moves the straighteners out of the way.

"And it will be if you relax" I tell her and she breathes.

"Okay, yep I'm relaxed" She says and then her eyes widen. "Oh my god! I forgot that Neville is allergic to fish"

"That's why we chose a menu without the fish starter. Here drink this" I say and hand her a glass of champagne.

"Why aren't you drinking?" She asks and I just shrug.

"I'm too nervous, plus I don't want to slur my vows" I say and straighten Teddy's bow tie.

"It's time, you both ready" Ron says walking into the room. Harry smiles and I hand Teddy to Hermione.

"Yeah we're ready" I say as Hermione fiddles with the veil. "Hermione..."

"Okay yeah, you look perfect" She says and then goes in through the doors. Harry links his arm with mine.

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