4 (chapter 1)

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"Harry. Harry!" I shake him awake as he thrashes in the bed. He shoots up and puts his glasses on to see who it is. Hermione and I share a worried look.

"Are you all right?" She asks. He nods and I see the sweat dripping off his forehead. This is how it has been all break. He normally wakes me up but still hasn't told me about the nightmare but I don't push him.

"Hermione. Bad dream. When did you get here?" He says and takes his cover off.

"Just now. You?" She says.

"Last night" He tells her. She shakes Ron to wake him up as he always sleeps in.

"Wake up! Wake up, Ronald! Bloody hell. Honestly, get dressed. And don't go back to sleep. Come on, Ron! Your mother says breakfast is ready!" She shouts as we both leave the room. I laugh at her.

"What would we do without mother Hermione?" I joke. She shoves me playfully and we go to have breakfast. George and Fred hug me to say Hello as they weren't they're last night.

"Someone had a glow up over summer" They tease. I roll my eyes and laugh at them. I have changed in appearance slightly. I look older and I feel more confident in myself. We have scrambled eggs and Mr Weasley tells us to get our bags ready. Ginny, Hermione and I are all ready and waiting for the two boys who get woken up again by Mrs Weasley. They're finally up and we start trekking through the woods.

"So Y/N, got your eye on any boys this year?" Ginny asks with a smirk. I shake my head and laugh.

"I think my eyes are going to be on getting to the end of the year without nearly dying or something" I joke. Hermione nudges me with a knowing look. I can hardly tell her that I can't get Draco Malfoy out of my head. That smug smirk, his gorgeous eyes. I shake my head.

"What about a certain blonde that you were talking to at the end of last year?" She teases and I shake my head.

"You're crazy" I laugh. I wish. The problem is my brother hates him and he's not into me like that.

"Hey, Dad. Where are we going?" Ron calls out.

"Haven't the foggiest. Keep up!" He says. We meet up with another man who smiles and checks his watch.

"Arthur! lt's about time, son" He says. The two of them greet each other with a warm hug. We all stop behind them

"Sorry, Amos. Some of us had a bit of a sleepy start. This is Amos Diggory, everyone. Works with me at the Ministry. And this strapping young lad must be Cedric, am l right?" Arthur says after a very handsome boy drops down from a tree. He smiles brightly at all of us and shakes his hand.

"Yes, sir" He says. Hermione and Ginny share a knowing look and we start walking again.

"This way, Merlin's beard! You must be Y/N and Harry Potter" Amos says shaking both of our hands. I notice Cedric looking at me with a smile.

"Yes, sir" We both say.

"Great, great pleasure" He says and I catch up to the girls.

"Pleasure to meet you too, sir" Harry says.

"Yes, it's just over there" Amos says walking ahead with Cedric and Mr Weasley. We all come across an old boot which Fred and George told me is a port key to get to our location.

"Shall we?" Arthur says. "Oh, yeah. We don't want to be late. Come on. Nearly there now. Get yourself into a good position" We all spread out around the boot.

"Why are they all standing around that manky old boot?" I hear Harry ask as he stares at us all confused.

"That isn't just any manky old boot. lt's a Portkey" Fred says and takes his place next to me.

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