Life is an unfinished letter📃✍️

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Mahir's POV:


How deep it is...

How blue...


How unpredictable!

No one knows!!!

Just like life...

Just like time...

Time..... This word had so much meaning once in my life...

A girl walking by the beachside next to a boy.

Mahir means??? (She asks...)

(He replies...)
Mahir means smart... Intelligent!!!

She laughs out loud...

Smart and you... Hahahaha...

Such that her giggles mix with the wind on the gushing air of the beach...

Her dimples dig in deeper into her cheeks making her look more beautiful than the sunset...

He smiles...

By the way if that's how it is then your name also doesn't suit you!

Because Bela means time...
And for your unpunctuality even on attending your own wedding..


You must be named Albela... (He laughs)

Albela? (She's confused)

He smiles...
Which means unique !!!

But according to me
It means Sample piece!!! (He Bursts out laughing)

She keeps hand on her waist... makes a cute pout... narrows her eyebrows and next second the entire Maravante beach walkaway point could hear their giggles...

She chased him throughout the beach...
There were laughs... Smiles... And


Udupi has so many memories...

Specially Maravante beach!

The most unique beach I have seen...

It depicts life...

It's a unique place where I always feel life shows how distinct it could be even while being connected in portions...

It's a unique place where I always feel life shows how distinct it could be even while being connected in portions

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Just like the Maravante beach...

It's both sides has water...

One side has the gushing loud Arabian sea and the other side has the silent Suparnika river...

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