Together into a knot forever- #BehirMilaap❤️

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Mahir's POV:

I never knew a mere couch could give you the best sleep of your life ❤️

In her arms snuggling closer to her everything was heaven...she was heaven...

With the first rays of sun falling on our face...I slowly moved a bit only to be crushed more by my dearest wife...

I kissed her forehead and softly said..
'Baby let me get up... You sleep... I need to start preparations... tonight is Kuhu's much still pending... please get up godddess'

But she didn't move a bit... instead she encircled me more into her hold tightly such that a well built man like me couldn't breathe 😐

I slowly caressed her back saying...
'Sweetheart I need to get up'

But she moaned a little more and squeezed me more...her leg was now on my thigh... half of her on my chest and stomach and she was still squeezing me...the grip she held of me...

Uffff... Naagin thi kya pichle janam me (Were you a cobra in last birth

To which while still in sleep she replied...

Nahin... isi janam me... Naagin hu me das ke dikhau ...
(Not in the same birth I'm a cobra.. shall I bite you??)

Saying she bit my neck...

'Ouuuuuuch Belllllaaaaa' and next second I heard her laughing... while she was rolling and about to fall of the couch I held her tightly and hugged her into my chest...

My eyes were filled with tears...

She was shocked...

'Mah... Mahir ji...I'm fine... Don't worry...' but I squeezed her more into my chest...

'No Bela.. this time we have to be extra careful...I want our baby sound and safe...'

While I heard her go silent...

Shit!!! Maybe I must not have took out this topic...

That's exactly when we heard Musky cry...

I quickly got up and got Musky in our arms...

While she was screaming on top her voice... My little loud pitch opera singer ❤️☺️

Thankfully Bela got diverted into Musky and I got busy with the preparations for evening...

Engagement was supposed to be in Bangalore and wedding would be in Pune.

As this was the only function for Kuhu in Sehgal Mansion I decided to make it a grand affair...

Preparations were all on the roar while I received a call from Arnav's grandmother...

This time infact she was asking the entire Sehgal and Kapoor family to join...


'What is it Mrs Deshmukh? Now at this time you asked us to come home? Is everything alright? I asked softly...

'Mahir... I hate lies and I hate liars!
Bela lied to me yesterday and I'm quite pissed at her right now..' she said while looking into my eyes angrily...

'Im sorry Aaji Saheb pann mi (but I)...Bela went to explain her ..

But she turned her face and said...
'Mahir ... everything can't be managed on basis of language!!! Ofcourse I was happy Bela could speak marathi but I was happier seeing how she supported you... How she explained that she loved you'

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