Burn Burn Burn!!! 🌋Now it's my turn🔥 - Part 2

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Mahir's POV:

I was loosing my mind already...

While I saw Bela staring at me..and my plate...

I wasn't understanding why she's glaring at me..

I went on eating breakfast...

While she was looking confused... She was staring at me and my plate...

I narrowed my eyebrows and saw my plate...

That's when I realized I was eating the parathas that were kept in front of me... and the corn flakes bowl was lying orphaned 🙄

I quickly got up ...

'Ummm... Guys...I'm getting late to office... Bye'

Kuhu said...' Bhai today please manage Bhabhi's work schedule too... She won't login today.. she has to get ready for evening and then we have to go to Ishaani Bhabhi ... She is getting the dressed for her... '

I passed a fiery glare at Kuhu and Bela... Bela was still busy stuffing her parathas...

I was boiling...

Just then Karishma came to the table...

'Good morning honey' she said...

I was least bothered now...

I ignored her honeying and marched out of the house!!!

I had continuous meetings in office today but i wasn't able to concentrate on anything today!!!


Was on my mind!!!

She was driving me mad!!!

Next I looked at the clock!!! Time was ticking 11 am...

What is she doing!???

Getting ready!??

Dressing up for her date 😠


Bela's date😠

My blood was boiling!!! I was going nuts!!!

Yuvi has joined us via video call...

'What do you think of the plan Sir???'. My employee asked me...

'Rubbish!!!' I said

'Sorry Sir???? You ok' he asked...

'What will happen to me huhh... This is rubbish... This stupid date is the most stupid thing!!!' I shouted..

To which Yuvi said...

'Bhai... We are discussing about our next hotel in Chennai'

That's when it striked me...

I excused myself saying I'm having a headache...

It was already afternoon...

Evening she's going on a date..

Not one nor two...

25 bloody hot young men!!!

What if she likes someone 🙄

Shit!!! Shit...

No no no...

Whom should I talk to...

Sandy??? Mayur...naaaaa...

Tan??? No.... he will lecture me ethics...

Dev!!! Yes Dev!!!

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