Even in storm🌀With you❤️I'll be alright ❤️🤗

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Bela's POV:

It's been a month we are staying together...

Monster Mahir is still a monster but the only difference is...

He is my friend ❤️

Nope... My bestie 💕

After Vishakha my childhood friend if there is anyone whom I can call a friend now then it's Mahir ❤️

Yup...no more 'ji' 🤭

Mahir threatens to call me 'Bela aunty' if I call him 'Mahir with a ji' 😂

This Saturday is Sumi Ma's birthday. Myself, chachi-chachu, Yuvi and ofcourse Mahir are planning for a grand celebration for Maa.

Mahir told me Maa never celebrated her birthday after Andy Papa's demise... So we thought of planning a little surprise for her today and comeon...it's her 50th birthday. We had to make it a grand affair...❤️❤️❤️

Maa has given me so much love in just one month of my marriage that I craved for years... 😢

I don't feel emptiness in my life now ❤️ Also we have double celebration as Mahir's younger sister Kuhu is coming back from her boarding school today. She is only 18❤️

I didn't know about her until Mahir told me about her panic attacks after Andy Papa's demise... She was extremely attached to her father...

Probably that's normal relationship between father daughter..unlike mine 😔

Anyways I'm glad she's doing much better now and is coming home for a week. I was extremely happy to know I can have a new friend ❤️

My Di and Jiju were supposed to return fron their long extended honeymoon... being our neighbours...they were also invited!!!

Although....I wanted to maintain distance from her... Mahir may not like it... I know all though he is not letting me know his emotions because of our showdown and new found friendship... Love is an emotion that doesn't end so easily right 😒

Anyways I'm happy I have found a beautiful family 💖

Although we stay here in the penthouse... not a day goes when I don't start it on a call with mom.

At times when mom knows I have exams or too many assignments she sends us food too❤️ I'm blessed to have Sumi Ma in my life ❤️❤️❤️


(Bela making poha for breakfast)



(Mahir kept calling her)

'Mahir ... Im in kitchen' she said to which Mahir came running...

'Bela... Come let's go!!!' he said...

'Aree where???'

'Shopping...then lunch... Then movie and finally a small somewhere' he grinned...

'Mahir... What is it? Where is that small somewhere? Please let me know... So I can also know why my dearest buddy is beating around the bush' she said smiling...



They both started laughing...

Ok fine! I'm invited to the Businessman years meet award ceremony. They want me to attend it and give award to businessmen of the year!!! After all I'm the District Magistrate...I hate these functions

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