Fire 🔥 & Water💦 - Part 2

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Bela's POV:

This guy is impossible!!!

I had made paneer parathas specially for his sake because last night he didn't eat his dinner. Infact even I didn't!

I could see my proximity with Aaru is hurting him..🥺

It hurts me too!!! But then I have strict instructions from Dev Jiju and Ishaani bhabhi to not budge!!!

I am trying my level best to stay strong but that doesn't mean I'll let him starve right 😌

That's why I made his favorite Paneer...

He loves paneer in anything and everything.. Sumi ma had once told me...if there were no snacks at home...she would only fry paneer in chilli powder and salt and give it to him. He would happily eat it ❤️❤️❤️

So I made nice tangy parathas for him. But the idiot he is he ate the Sky parathas I made for Aaru... Those with extra spice and chillies..

And when I tried to stop him I don't know what went into him..he started eating green chillies...

I tried to feed him ice cream but he swatted my arms away and went to out room...

I obviously couldn't let him sit like that...

I went to the room and the adamant he is ...his eyes were pouring but he wasn't drinking a drop of water.

I went to the room...

Sat infront of him... Brought a spoon of ice cream near his lips..

He pushed my hand away...

Now even my eyes were pouring 🥺

I knew it's his anger😢...

I again took another spoon and kept it on his lips...

He pushed it away...

I could see his eyes were red...his lips and mouth as well had gone red...

I couldn't control my tears 🥺😢😀

That minute I broke down infront of him..

He looked at me...

He looked at me... My eyes went on pouring non stop..

Just then I saw him bend his neck and come closer to my face...

And open his mouth with aaaaaaaaa😅

A smile escaped my lips and I fed him a big scoop of ice cream...

He ate and smiled back..

I fed him another scoop...

He kept smiling at me and ate one by one...

I kept on feeding him non stop... 4 chillies..I knew his spice tolerance levels...

I sniffed through my tears while I felt two hands cup my face...

Mahir drifted a little closer to me...

Pulled me a little closer too..

One fourth of me was on his lap now...

Next second I felt his lips on my nose... While his thumb fingers rubbed my tears...

I closed my eyes...

'When you cry your nose becomes bright red like a tomato.. and I don't like tomato!!!' he whispered in my ears...

I smiled at that...

I slowly opened my eyes and said..
'Then why do you make me cry Mahir'

He kissed my nose again and said...
'Sorry sweetheart...I... just...'

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