At your service 24*7 👨‍🍳👨‍🔧👨‍🏫🤵

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Bela's POV:

I was irritated to the core!

So much that I asked Vish to take him out...

'But Bel...Su...Surbhi...he is your should...'

'Vish I have a bad headache... Just take him wherever you want...get his joining formalities completed! '

Just while he was leaving with Vish...

I told Vish so he could get's for him!!!

'Vish also tell my employees... that whatever it is ... although we have a fashion house here we are mainly a fabric and textile firm! And oh ya... Although our designs are sent to fashion shows we hire our own models! Reputed ones! We don't need random employees jump around in my office with wedding attires! And oh ya!!! Caveman beard too!
I expect my employees to look more human!!!'

and I passed him a glare expecting t lo be angry and annoyed!!! I know this man had huge ego issues so i pinch his male ego it will definitely hurt him!!!

But to my surprise he was grinning like a fool!

'Anything for 'my' employer Ma'am! '

He said!!!

I did notice the way he stressed 'my'

F U Mahir Sehgal!

I'm not yours at all!!! Huhh!!
😏God this man makes me curse!

Just then I asked them to leave...

I needed rest ..I put my head down and dozed off on the table ....

I got up in sometime while Vish tapped on my shoulder...

' seem unwell...let's go home...I'll make you some ginger tea!' Vish said and I simply nodded

Just then recalled the bigger headache.. No migraine!!!
That 5 ft 9 inches migraine that arrived in my life worried me more!

I asked Vish if employees left? To which she said.. except the night shift team rest left!

Good! Urghhhh!!

I needed rest...

So we headed to home...

We reached while I got a call from the night shift folks about some production issue and I was speaking to them while the call went for about 40 minutes...

Finally it was approximately 8 pm.

I needed tea badly! I usually make food myself or Vish helps although she's a disaster in cooking...but manages to make tea and instant noodles ...well we do so because i don't have good chef here! And I can't tolerate what Bhola makes... its mostly oil, spicy and terrible for both mouth and stomach 🤷

So I called out Vish loudly...

'Vish yaar you promised tea... please make some'

While I heard a familiar voice from kitchen...

'Having tea just before dinner kills your appetite!' Rather must have soup'

My eyes widened thinking ...
'Isnt it His voice???'

Naaaa... I'm hallucinating!!!

I guess I saw him in office so ...
😏 Yaa!!! Whatever...

And I took big steps to kitchen where I saw him stirring something in a pan!!!'

I froze 😳

Am I really seeing things now!

Him in my kitchen 😳..I didn't know hallucinating is one of pregnancy symptoms 🤨

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