Make me love, Make me fall, U make me wanna surrender my soul ❤️

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Bela's POV:

I was so angry that I went straight into my cabin and sat on the recliner holding my head...

It is like a ghost from my past had suddenly appeared in front of me!!!

Mahir Sehgal!!!

Bloody heck I have been running away from this damn name for 5+ years Now!

Two months back when I thought it's finished forever!!! Looks like my destiny doesn't understand the fucking word...


I don't think even ghost haunts it's prey this much!!!


Why is he here!

What does he want?

My peace...

My sanity...

Does he know I'm pregnant? 🥺

Shit!!! Has he come all the way to get his baby!

No!!! This is only my baby!

My child ...mine alone 😡🥺

Remember for Mahir, it was just a mistake Bela???🥺 Just a mistake right 🥺

Then why has he come back again 😡

I was so annoyed that I was crumpling the papers on the table and crushing them into a ball and throwing it away...

I threw one such paper ball in frustration on my cabin door which had Vish, Shelly-Kelly and HIM😡

The hell he was here 😡

In my cabin 😡😡😡

And next I see he gave me a wide smile...

Can I strangle him to death??? 🔥

To his hands were those two assistant monkeys of Vish... Shelly-Kelly sticking like this man was a tree trunk and they are spineless rattle snakes 😡

Idiots 😏 I don't care!!!

Vish came into my cabin and took a seat while asking those monkeys to leave his biceps... Despo women 😡

Next to Vish that is exactly infront of me... sat he!!! The man I can't tolerate st all!!!

While looking into my eyes deeply with a teasing smile on his lips!!!

Can i like stitch his lips with Vish's sewing machine 😏...

Irritated I looked at Vish and asked...

'What are you doing here with a random STRANGER? In my cabin' I asked...

But he was still smiling at me ...

Idiot! Moron!

'Heyyy... I got him to introduce him to you...he is our new employee!!!' she said while he kept looking into my face like his eyes would eat me up!

Damn I heard that downstairs Vishakha!!! And I'm seething anger on that! This rascal of a man and his mind games!!!

'Its fine ...I'm busy' I faked it

To which she said...

'How is it fine Bela...he just joined today and you have to'

Before she could complete I cut her in between...
'This branch of BFF has over 1200 employees and we keep hiring more! I can't meet each and everyone! And I don't CAREE!!!' I stretched on the CARE word a tad bit too much...

Without Love, Yours Forever.... Destiny (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now