Burn Burn Burn!!! 🌋Now it's my turn🔥 - Part 1

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Mahir's POV:

I wiped my tears...

Kuhu was right!!! I love Bela...

I love her like anyone can and anyone ever will!

I'm obsessed with her!

I never thought I could ever fall for a woman this madly!!!

She is the only one!!!

I love her...I devote her...
I admire her...I aspire her...
I desire her❤️

But ...

I don't deserve her 🥺

Nothing changes that reality so I decided to fuck off from her beautiful life and knowing how stubborn and dedicated Bela is.... I mean that night I called her a...Chi... I can't even repeat that word in my mind for Bela...

But the truth I called her that! And she still stayed back till morning to explain it to me... But my lipstick drama shattered her even then she never yelled at me... Never used cuss words... Forget... never even blamed me once ...🥺

What is she 🥺 a goddess!???

And I'm a monster 👹

I remember mumma told me in childhood... Good boys get goddesses as their wife... like Goddess Aphrodite ❤️

And bad boys.. they don't get goddess!

They are cursed to turn into monster!!!

I'm a monster!!! I don't deserve my goddess aphrodite 🥺

I deserve pain... eternal pain...I destroyed Bela's life...4 years of pain...pain of fighting alone...loosing our child... being called names... loneliness...all because of me...

Monster Mahir Sehgal!!!

I love you Bela...but I don't deserve you 😢🥺 you deserve everything... Musky.. Gulmohar... Musky deserves a better father...you deserve a better husband...

Someday 🥺 after I go away from you 🥺

Now this is why...I called up Suvarna ji and asked him to organize a hot and sexy model who is ready to put up this act with me...

That's when I got Miss Karishma Patel.

Ohhh now I regret getting her in here... because she is the same model I met in Bali few months ago and she was clinging to me like an arm candy...

I was annoyed but then it was all last minute plans and this woman was more than happy to pretend like my girlfriend!!!

So I got her home and introduced her to the family.

I not just needed Bela to divorce me but I wanted her to hate me...I expected she'll disagree to give the divorce and I will try to flirt with this girl and Bela will hate me...

But Bela is that puzzle my life has never been able to resolve...

She threw a bouncer at me that I'm supposed to find a guy for her🥺

Not just that she had 4 other conditions..

I must get her the guy, get him married to her (the fuck I'm doing that 😠) , get her honeymoon tickets booked (the bloody fuck over my dead body 😠) and finally sleep with her in the bedroom 🥺 that'll make me weak...shit!!!

I was trapped!!!

But I had to play it cool!!! I agreed!!!

Now Kuhu tried to lecture me but Kuhu doesn't know how worst is her brother.... She doesn't know her brother deserves to rot in hell!!!

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