Chennai Chapter🛣️ - Final part - Love❤️Passion🔥Desire💋 & Tears😢 (Part 1)

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Mahir's POV:

She was sleeping peacefully...

Snoring infact 🤣🤣🤣

Guess she is never going to stop snoring...

Gajvajke kharate leti he (Snores like hell)

I smiled and went out...I thought of making myself a cup of coffee...

The resort room cottages were well equipped and had a decent kitchen with few essentials if you are good in cooking.

I wasn't a great cook but could manage to survive with my cooking...😊

So I picked a cup added some powder and milk cream to it and started stirring it!!!

Was in no mood to have sugar with it!!! I liked it hard!!! I wanted to wear a shirt but the deep cut in my chest and shoulder was quite painful...

I didn't have a pain killer at home unfortunately!!! I didn't have any meds or creams in the room and was in no mood to get the hotel staff bring it in...

It was late night 2am.. so I sat infront of TV... Played some real nice late 90's songs ...just then I heard anklet tingling sound...

I turned around to see Bela stand near the curtains of living room..

She looked messy, tired, my oversize white shirt was completely oversize pajamas were literally sweeping the floor...

She was looking goofy and funny yet extremely cute... But she had a mad frown on her face...

Is she pissed??? 🤔

Next thing she marched into me and asked me angrily
'Who changed my clothes?'

I nodded my head...and looked at tv casually increasing the volume of the tv trying to explain her while from nowhere I felt something hard on my cheeks 😳

That's when I realised...

She slapped me 😡 again???

This time I was raging...

I got up in one go from the sofa and stood infront of her...

But the minute she saw me she quickly averted her gaze and turned around...

'Oh my God...why are you shirtless 🙈'

She screamed closing her eyes with her palms...

'Why did you slap me 😡 how dare you!!!'

I asked her as I was still fuming!!!

To which she turned around in one go angrily and said...

'How dare you change my clothes??? Disgusting... You only know to do one thing... Stick your'

Before she could complete her statement ..

I pushed her to the wall 🤬

I was hell angry on her...

I caged her between my arms and asked..

'Stick my what 😠' my eyes were bulged in anger and my nerves were really standing up in anger on every nook and corner of my clenched fist, neck and jaws as I was gritting my teeth like an angry tiger 😡'

I saw her angry eyes looked at me in fear now...

She was very much intimated by our proximity...

My face was very close to hers!!!

My hot breath fanned on her lips and nose as my head was bent to the level of her face and I kept looking into her eyes continuously 😡 in anger!!!

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