Colors of Life...💕 - Part 2 - Confession

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Bela's's POV:

I couldn't take it!!!

My di own sister was desperately behind my own husband.

I couldn't stop crying...

Aadi saw me crying and came running to me...

I was unable to hold my tears...I broke down... He hugged me and was wiping my tears...

He was trying to console me...

'Aadi... This time you didn't send me gift for sending you Rakhi na... If I ask you today will you give me?'

'Bunny.... what happened' he was really worried..

'Take me away from here...I hate that man...he speaks rubbish then he does nonsense then my own blood ...she...'Uhhhh' I couldn't complete the sentence...I was getting hiccups...

Suddenly I heard a voice...

'So.... I was right!!! You like him huhhh!!! GREAT!!! Both sisters are alike! Get lost... leave my home right now!!!' he screamed!

I was shocked 😳

That very minute I starting walking away...

In no time I left his house...

While Aadi kept following me...

'Bunny stop!! You guys need to talk!'

I turned around....

'Really Aadi??? Talk to him? You heard what he spoke? Does he even know what he'

'Bela.... Listen!!! He has misunderstood! You are new to these feelings... didn't you see Brinda going to your bedroom and start crying... same way he doesn't like me...I've seen his discomfort when you are with me...he burns like hell!'

'That doesn't give him the license to speak shit!' I screamed

'Exactly ... that's why you both must talk!'

'Someone talk to us too yaar...we both came all the way from Udupi mannnnn' it was a familiar voice and I turn around and I'm shocked and surprised to see my my college besties...

Sowbhagya and Akshata...

'Oh my gooood' I squealed in happiness

Akki was a lawyer and Sow was studying medical. Myself, Sow, Akki and Aadi were a gang since college days. We always had each other's back.

'Such a surprise!!' I hugged them both.

Sow said... 'You dumb forgot us...ok we both couldn't attend your wedding but our gifts reached you atleast you could have invited us once for dinner or lunch as return gift na... But you stingy woman' I slapped her forehead playfully...

I hugged them but I was very emotional...

I couldn't show things to them of what a mess my marriage I walked inside the Sehgal Mansion gates but hesitated to go inside...

Both Sow and Akki noticed my nervousness.

I was fearing how would Mahir react seeing me back...

But he was calm. I was shocked on seeing him talk to my friends so nicely although he ignored Aadi like a plague and I didn't wanna see his face.

The house party was on...I saw Brinda Di also with him. I was hating my sister's stupid behavior right now!

But then Mahir was entertaining her hence she was with him. I was getting pissed.

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