Colors of Life...💕 - Part 1 - Misunderstanding

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Mahir's POV:

I could see a different shine in her eyes Tonight...

It was beautiful ❤️

I wanted to hold her so tightly in my arms...

Just then I saw him coming from the kitchen area???.

He was here with her???

What were they doing in a candle light???



I was pissed off right now!

I couldn't stand there I just left to the room!

I was so very angry that I literally broke a vase in my bedroom!!!

'What is he to her!!!'

I was so angry... I removed my blazer, threw it on the couch... removed my shirt and started looking for my t-shirt...

Just then Bela came inside...

'Mahir.... Oh....ummm sorry I didn't know...I'll come later'

'Why...' I asked

'Because you are changing!!!'

'Take I wore it !!! Now what!!!' I pulled a random tshirt and wore it...

'Mahir your suite is kept there....get read'

'Who is he to you!' I asked...

'What?' she said...

'I asked who is he to you!!!'

'Whos Who???'

'Aadi!!! Who's he!!! You like him? You were planning to have a dinner with him tonight? Date night as in??? You love him??? Wanna go to London with him'
I was going mad!!!

'Shutup Mahir!!! I don't think I need to answer your stupid questions! Your suite is kep'

I pushed her to the wall!!!

'Stupid??? What's stupid about my question Mrs Sehgal? Did you forget who you are?

I'm your husband! You are my wife!

You like him fine! Tell me the Truth!

Don't play a game and ditch me like your sister did! I don't understand that kind of shit!' I screamed caging her in between...

'You have lost it Mahir! Aadi is my friend! He'

'You go on a date with friends is it??? Really?? See your you looking... never dressed up like this for my sake... what's he huhhh? Special one??? You also found a better option like Brinda?'

'Shutup Mahir! Stop comparing me to my sister! We are different! And yes I was trying to woo him! I like him! No I love him! I was trying to seduce him before you came!!! Happy
Now let me go!!!'

She pushed me...

Next second I banged my fractured hand to wall!

'Mahhiiiirrrrr what the hell... what's this bandage what did you must listen bef'

'Shutup Bela... Just go to your Aadi! You don't need this man here... Go...I can take care of myself!' I said pushing her...

She looked at me angrily...but she didn't listen'to me

She got a first aid kit... crying...she pulled my hand to put a new dressing... My hand was bleeding now!'


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