She's the only one!!! You 'Vish' for!!!

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Mahir's POV:

It wasn't shocking that Bela asked us to leave!!!

I had hurt her so much!!!

I had caused grief to her!! In every possible way!!!

I did all that could harm our relationship in my foolishness to let her go but she didn't want to!!!

And that's when I realised love is not always about letting is also to hold on to!!!

I pushed Bela away when she was holding onto me like I was the last string of hope in her life!!!

And she left yet another time but this time I searched for her..

Every nook and corner of the world. But I didn't get a single clue of her existence...

Where she was....

What she was doing...

Where she disappeared!!! NOTHING!

I was still trying... This time I used all my old IAS friends contacts to find out where she was and one day my friend Aly who is the commissioner now in Manali called me and told he has Bela's whereabouts.

And next I was in Manali... He told me he got information that Bela is in Shimla but when they enquired the name they got to know waa Surbhi Sharma but when Aly digged in deeper he got to know it's Bela.

He infact got me some of her pictures...

My eyes poured seeing her pictures. Then Aly gave me details about the company she works for...

Later I realise these folks attended my wedding with Bela and probably were Bela's cousins.


'You bloody shameless piece of shit!!!

You have the audacity to have done that to my sister and call us asking to convince her to reconcile with you...

In your dreams Mahir Sehgal!!!

You are a curse in Bela's life...

A bloody curse'

While Anu Di was screaming on the call Shaan jiju tried to shut her mouth and let her keep quiet...

He sent her outside the room as she was so much in rage that she might break the laptop screen! Thank god we were video conferencing else the anger she seethed she would punch me in my nose!!!


Next in a few mins ...
I saw Shaan Jiju sit firmly infront of me

'Look Mahir... Even I don't trust you a bit... But you have approached us this honestly I appreciate that!!!

I cannot ask Bela to go back to you!!

You have treated her like trash!

We are sorry!!!'

To which I said ...
'Jiju please.. one chance... Just one.. it took me time to realize but ..'

To which Jiju calmly said... Look Mahir...
I also had a huge bunch of mistakes that I did in my life... marrying Anu was not easy for me too...
You must have met Dev bhai too..
He also had a tough time wooing Ishaani bhabhi...
These Sharma sisters are fire!!!


Self made and above all headstrong and badass!

But you know what one quality that they all have...

Their dedication to a relationship! They give it 200%.

Bela is also a Sharma... She gave it all... now if you want her back you have to give it a 1000%

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