Prologue - Trailer 2 - (Next daily) - It has never been easy for me Raghav😢

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Siya's POV:

Life is a race...
Our parents always taught us this...

They asked us to prepare well for everything.

I still remember Bhabhi used to tell me when I was a child....

Yeah Bhabhi... I lost mom too bhabhi was my mom 😢

'Plan it well!!! Prep it well'

I did it all...

Planned... prepped... But then finally did it go as I wanted?

I planned every single thing!

From joining a college to do my MBA in India to making sure I maintain my topper position.

Yet again I topped the class but then what's the use!

My dreams although I planned everything perfectly are been crushed like a piece of paper and thrown away...

Why this happens to me😢

First Jordan...

Now Raghav 😢


The name itself used to bring a smile on my face...

I still remember when Tanya told me..
'Beware Siya... You are developing a certain thing for him... Stay know he's head over heels in love with Sapna...'

To which I laughed my heart saying...
'Tanya... The thing I feel for him is mere's a teen crush kind.. I am a 21 year old College going girl... I felt that for many in London too yaar... please chill'

But was it so chill after all?

I still remember when he was about to flunk a subject I sat next to him and taught him the entire night...

Without a second thought about what his girl friend Sapna would think... The funniest was I myself had 2 units unfinished and surely 20 marks questions would come from it but then I let that go and taught Raghav the entire night.

Have I done that for anyone before...

I remember giving him my Principles of Management notes ...well prepared notes before the exam so he could clear it well... Although I found that subject tough too but Raghav had got chicken pox...him clearing his papers was more important for me...

That college fest where I let go off my presentation preps only because I had to prepare Raghav for stress interview...

We were best of friends in last 6 months.
Infact Raghavendra Sehgal turned my bestie.

I would feed him the same morsel I ate

Many called us lovebirds but I didn't care nor did Raghav...
He always playfully ruffled my hair saying...

'Siyu... Chillax...I'm the college hunk... every other girl is in love with me and every other guy is Jealous of my popularity... Our friendship is beyond all this 😉 and if you think I'm handsome you can flirt with me too hahaha' and I laughed at that thought then although I felt a string in my heart was been played...


I had this crush on him...

Or a bit more than that...

Maybe something like the big word...

But then everything got destroyed...

Wouldn't you be happy if your family plans to get you married to a man you had a thing for...

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