Hit the Right Spot⚫

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Bela's POV:

He is bipolar!

He needs help!

Sometime back he stood up against my family and told that he trusts me and won't let me go and what not!

And then while tieing the Nuptial chain he threatened me hell!

What's his true shade???

May it what happens I am going to at any damn cost talk to him!

This is a mess!!!

Ok!!! Yes my sister turned a gold digger!

I didn't believe it either until today when I forced her...

I thought just like how Mahir blackmailed me someone was blackmailing her too...

But she was least bothered!

She said she and Souvik jiju met and they both clicked!

She said
'Souvik has the power and money to fulfill my dreams of taking my designs to Paris fashion week Bela... He owns one of India's biggest fashion houses... He has launched multiple popular brands, designers, he is powerful Bela!!!'

I looked at my sister with disgust!!!

'And your chats and video calls and virtual dates with Mahir ji??? What was that??? All a lie?'

'Bela... See you are marrying him...you should be happy thanks to me you got a good guy too... Mahir is sweet and rich but Souvik is richer, more popular and highly influential... Mahir is just an IAS officer Bela... He's a District Magistrate.. although his family is rich... But none of them are from fashion world... Souvik is the king of fashion industry...I know yjod world Bela...it's so tough to get a chance to release one design...one chance to step up from designer to main designer!!! Here Souvik himself will develop a fashion house for me at the snap of his finger!!! At times we shouldn't kick away our dreams and realise and grab the opportunity!!! I just did that by accepting his proposal!!! Plus he said he loves me...'

I was shocked to see my sister's greedy side!!! Do people really become this desperate to fulfil Their ambitions??? I was disgusted!

'And what about Mahir ji...he loves you too'

'See Bela just because lotus is beautiful I cant grow it in my house garden na...it needs dirt to grow... sticky gooey dirty water to flourish...Mahir is nice...but my dreams are important! If you call it selfish then yeah I am! But then...come on!!! Who's not!!! I mean look at you.. you got a chance to marry a rich man who probably wouldn't even be affordable to you if I hadn't rejected him. You didn't grab it oh what? So now stop whining over it!!! '

I was shocked on hearing her words 🥺😢

She thinks I'm doing this because I'm also a gold digger?

Wooow!!! In one shot she made me feel so low! I wanted to tell her about pictures but then I thought if she's already this desperate to marry Souvik jiju will she care huhhh 😒

I'll only be hurting my parents! Let it be!

And now I am here ....

In this hotel where Sumi aunty has booked a room for us. Even Jiju and Di are also in the same hotel.

But the difference!

They are here for their first night!

And I probably for my first fight!!!


Prologue - 2

Author's POV:

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