'We' are Forever💕

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Mahir's POV:

I was sleeping on my bed. While it's almost going to be night. I am down with fever but I loved to fall ill this time 🤭

Because I was getting Bela's special attention and care from morning. I don't know why but I have been behaving creepy since last night...

I dreamt of kissing her and today morning as well I kissed her cheeks ...trust me I really had tough time not moving inches away to reach her lips that I was craving since last night...

I started having different emotions for Bela suddenly...

I like to stare at her... Her body...her scent ...Her sexy back!!! Ufff!!!

Yes!!!! Accepted!!!

S...E...X..Y!!! She is !!! My wife is!!!

Infact her body is pulchritudinous!!!

Adrenaline rush in my body had started doing its magic!!!

I knew by now!!! Bela isn't just a friend!

I.....I like her.

I desire her 🔥

But I didn't want to scare her by crossing my lines...

So I'm behaving my level best!!!

But the naughty tiger within me at times overcomes the innocent Mahir ❤️

I have been sleeping the entire day today. She comes once in 2 hours and gives me either soup or milk or something hot.

Just then I heard her voice...

'Mahir get up chalo .. spinach sou... Oh ...' she stopped... I pretended to fall asleep.

I heard pin drop silence now.

Next minute I felt her little fingers carresing my hair...

I was loving the sensations she was giving me...

Slowly I felt she bent...

Her hot breath was fanning my face...

'Was she going to kiss me...ufff!!!
Bela please yes... Comeon... Comeon!!!
I'm waiting...Baby one peck!!!'

But to my utter disappointment...she had bent closer to me to remove my phone that was stuck under my pillow and the air pods from which music was playing...


I realised she was about to get away from me....I wanted her closer to me so I quickly...

Pulled her in one swift motion on to my chest holding her waist...

Pretending I'm still sleepy...

'I missed you Jaan' pretending to be half asleep... Her soft body against my hard chest was anything but perfect!!!

Her smooth silky waist that my hands touched right now... Her bossom that bounced on my chest...

My heart was all pumping fresh blood faster!!!

But she slowly got rid of my hold...I couldn't take more risk... what if she knows I'm really not sleeping 😴..

So I smiled in my heart and let her go 🥰

Bela's POV:

I was shocked the minute Mahir pulled me on him...

Just then I realised that he was still sleeping...

He mumbled a 'I miss you Jaan' in his sleep???

He never calls me such romentic words!!!


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