Little things happening between us💕

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Bela's POV:

(Lying down on bed)

Today was s roller coaster day!!!

I and Mahir had so much fun shopping, lunch, movie and finally everything was great until that party thing happened!

Mahir was always with me today...

He kinda said it a hundreds times that I was looking beautiful...

Making me conscious 🙄😒

I didn't want to sit with him on the dias...He was the District Magistrate...I didn't want to sit there just because I'm his wife. So I sat down...

He really looked good on the stage there. Everyone respected Mahir a lot❤️ I felt happy seeing that ❤️ I kinda was proud wife today...

Wife!!!! Ummmm... Friend I mean ❤️

But my happiness turned into sorrow... ending up breaking me down when I saw Vikrant!!!

Little did I expect him here???

He was in Mount Abu!!!

What is he doing in Bangalore...

I couldn't control myself.m.i was loosing my mind...

I needed fresh breath and of air... I ran to the parking area near Mahir's car ...I wanted to sit inside but I didn't have the keys...

Soon I felt a hand on my shoulder... I shuddered at once...

Then I saw it was Mahir...

I cried nonstop 🥺 in his arms today 😭

I needed that... Badly...

I didn't want to stay there... Mahir went back to party to inform someone that he will leave...

I was wiping my tears when I felt a hand on my shoulder...

'Mahir you...'

Before I could continue I froze 🥺

It was Vikrant!

'Hi Bella!!! How are you doing sweetheart...long time...'

He said...I took two steps back...

He saw me closely...

'Looks like someone's got married... ' then he came closer to my ears and said...

'And sexy too!!!'

I was shocked at his comments...

I pushed him back...

But he came closer...

'Oh comeon Bella... I'm your same vampire to whom you used to send naughty chats remember 😉' he said...

I felt a stream of disgust in my body...

He slowly moved back of his palm trailing on my shoulder and said...
'Well if I knew the old-school girl with glasses turned this hot after a few years....I promise I would have made better arrangements for our Mount Abu hotel drama'

I pushed him... while tears spilled out of my eyes...

'S...S...St...Stay aw...away V...
I'll husband...'
I cried....

'Oooooo..... husband ..he will believe you lol...'

He said coming closer...

Thankfully a family came to parking area to pick their car... They suddenly called Vikrant to congratulate him...

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