Wherever you go my network follows 😁

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Mahir's POV:

And I'm a love sick papa 😂 puppy🤭

After I got news that I'm getting promoted as a Father again I had lost it...

I wanted to make sure Bela is the most happiest mom ever.

So I decided to go Gaga in love 😍

I was now clear why she asked preferred to have wierd requests these last few days..it was not her..it was my junior 🤣

I started reading more books on pregnancy and understand what's harmonal changes and mood swings...

Although they said it differed from every woman to other...I made sure to note every habit of Bela's...

I noticed she strangely enjoyed sitting in that fumy freshly painted cabin... Maybe she liked the smell of paint, she ate everything sour so she was obviously liking...she would everyday take a walk in garden and try to water plants and smell it like she's getting orgasms 🤣
So basically she liked the smell of wet mud.

With that I knew how to pamper my madam.

I stayed back late night at office and made the arrangements for her ❤️❤️❤️

Hope she likes it❤️

Bela's POV:

I was getting late for office so I decided to hurry... while I was planning to skip breakfast I saw my PA standing infront of me with a tiffin box and a water bottle in his neck... while he carried a trekking bag in his back 🤷...

I looked at him with a confused expression.

'Your PA at your service mam!!!' He said

I gave him an annoyed expression and left the house..

Today he didn't take his car instead took a seat next to me...

I was shocked

Before I could question him...he opened tiffin box and stuffed my mouth with spoon full of Poha...

I was shocked 😲

'Poha... Light... healthy and perfect for your health mam!!! Made in 💯 ghee!!! With extra almonds and pista cold milkshake for you... that keeps you full!!!'

I frowned but ate it quietly as I was quiet hungry ❤️

I entered my cabin where I saw my cabin completely painted in blue and pink shades...

'Blue if you feel boy and pink if you feel girl'

I shot him a fiery glare 😠

'Ma....am!!!' he said...

I was irritated... Next on the table I saw a small shade loving white orchid plant..
You can water it when you feel like mam...gives you good oxgen' he said

Next what I saw fumed the hell out of me...
I saw a family picture from our wedding on the table..

I was so angry at him that I broke the frame...
'You dare not force yourself into my life! Stay in your limits I said and was about to take my chair while I felt something soft on the seat...

I turned around to see tinker Bell pillows..

I looked at him while he smiled saying..
'I know the Tinkerbell series is your favorite since childhood...so for you to relax... Tinkerbell cushions!!!'

I literally picked one and threw it into his face 😠

Next i started opening my laptop... I felt something warm near my legs...I saw there was an extra cushion...

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