Rise together from the ashes!!!😢💔❤️👏🤝

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Bela's POV:

He....kissed me....

I couldn't understand anything after feeling his lips on me...

And then he confessed that no other woman will ever touch him after this moment ❤️

He just declared himself to be dedicated to me for ever....

After that big statement..I don't know for how long I kept looking at him...

He cupped my face...

I was all confused.. shocked... Frozen!!!

When he came more closer to my lips and asked...

'Incase... you didn't get it right!!! I can with pleasure...


I flinched at his shamelessness!!!

Guts!!! 😳

He smirked...

I tried to get off from his hold...

I definitely didn't want him to listen to my heartbeats!!!

It was literally beating inside my mouth now 😥

I quickly tried to get off his hold...

While he pulled me back into his arms...

What had gone into him tonight 🙈

It was too much!!!

We were in his bedroom!

Mom was sleeping...

Chachu and Chachi had gone out ..

My sister-in-law and friends were out!!!

It was practically...

Me...Him...and the naughty monster coming alive in him 🙈

I was melting in his arms...

He came closer to me...


He said looking into my eyes...

Now my expressions also turned intense...

The intensity of his eyes were oomph!!!

I was drowning there 💗

He brought his lips closer to mine...

'You want me to repeat it?'

I was shivering now...

He came closer to my ears saying...

'Dont shiver like that!!! I'll eat you up my cupcake!!!'

An 'Ughhh' came out of my mouth 😳

While he laughed...😂

He was pressing my hands tightly when we both heard a sudden loud scream...

I and Mahir both came out of our dreamland the minute we heard that 🤨😟

'Was that mom' I asked...

Mahir nodded...

In no time we rushed to mom's room...

And we were shocked seeing her...

She was sitting in a state of shock.

We noticed her mobile on the floor while Someone was saying Hello on the phone...

Mahir picked the phone

And next second collapsed on the bed.

I was scared now...

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