My healer Bela❤️

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Mahir's POV:


Means time ❤️

She came into my life as the endless time that will forever be there for me...

Support me...

Care for me...

Stand by me...

Time and again when I don't believe in God or Destiny...

He proves me wrong!

He proves me my dad was right!

My father Andy Sehgal was always a god fearing man! A good man!

Always did good for people!

Every month whatever little profit Sehgal Industries would keep away 5% of its profit to give away to needy, charity or less privileged.

Dad never called them any of those. He would call them 'our people'

Dad would always believe if our plate is full of food there is nothing wrong in sharing a few morsels with our hungry people around us ❤️

Such was Andy Sehgal ❤️

When I lost him...I lost a portion of me...
A happy contented Mahir.

I became a bit Posessive about everything I had.

I would clutch things tightly to never let them go... Specially when it comes to love...

My aunt & uncle were my only precious ones and I would treasure their love ❤️

But recently we went through a STORM!

My chachi and chachu were taken away from me in blink of an eye!!!

My mother got a hemorrhage has memory issues now and is also paralyzed...

My happy world again came crashing into a dirty mess!!!

But in this all one lady who stood by me as my rock support!

Was my wife!!! Bela!!!

She was a super woman!

From tolerating my mood swings, to taking care of my bedridden mother, to following her ambition to helping me take critical business decisions!!!

Bela was everywhere!

It was like she became my lifeline!

But I still needed clarity for my emotions!

And I can't believe that the one who made me realise it was the reason I married her !!!


Today evening when Bela had left home and I was still in office waiting to sign a few last minute papers...

Brinda came to Sehgal Industries!!!

I was shocked!!!

But next what happened was shocking!

She came hugged me tightly.

She was crying in my arms...

I was shocked 😟

'Brinda calm down.... what happened'

I asked her...

'He...He ... I fought with him again...
We....we...we are not good for each other Mahir...

I'm sorry I now know how it feels when we hurt someone whom you love a lot'

She was sobbing holding my shirt collar...

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