Storm🌀 is back as a 'tsunami'🌊of love😍

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Vish's POV:

As I'm entering our office I hear my two twin assistants Kelly-Shelly come running to me..

I see them breathing hard and gulping saliva...

I smiled and said and understood what must have happened 😗

I smiled asking...
'You or somebody else?'

To which they said...
'Yashaswini Mam it is today'

And I roll my eyes up and smirk in my head...

That bitch very well deserves it!!!

Suppressing my laughter I ask them in a whisper...

'Where is the WWB right now?'

To which they both showed their finger towards the workspace area...

That's usually where my clothes are been tried upon before Bela confirms they are good and approve it to go to our production unit.

BFF is not just a designer's a textile and fabric firm too and Bela believes in although making that one piece I made as a designer one...but to maximize profits she makes sure once they pick great love in the fashion shows we present them they are produced in bulk and sold in market...

This idea has made the profits of BFF jump up in bulk! In mere one month she's joined in as the CEO she has already doubled profits, crossed the targets Shaan jiju set for her and is now a respected name in Himachal Pradesh and Punjab where our clothing line is a brand now.

We have both fame and money booming but with all this there is something that is booming too...

Bela's anger 🤷

Bela....I mean Surbhi is a strict boss.

She's in office daily at 8 am IST.

Imagine this was the office which had its employees come after 9 am and now the entire office crowd settles by 8 am as Bela ...Surbhi their CEO will be in office way before the time.

Surbhi is a tough task master and a thorough perfectionist. There is no day that goes when I don't hear her shout, scream, slam phones, doors, files, destroy papers!

Yeah Surbhi is unbelievably bossy!

Infact this office has a little name kept for her...

Yea... just what I called out...


They call her WWB 🤣
'Witch Without a Broom'

The minute her car gets into parking and she steps into the office lift the entire office alerts like she's some mafia queen 🤣 and they have cue code...

'WWB begins'


Well... I'm the only one who knows everything about her but I'm also her secret agent 😉 so I try to be over friendly with my colleagues trying to show I'm one amongst them and a cool dude and try to extract info out of them 😁

#BFFGoals... both ways...

I took steps towards the workspace area picking my black coffee and a glass of orange juice for my hot headed boss.

While I see papers flying, models shivering, Yashaswini our model organiser clenching her fists although shutting herself up because no one speaks up when boss is angry!

And as of now boss !!! I mean Surbhi is


Well... Nothing shocking for me...

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