Trailer Reveal - Prologue - 3 - One man isn't enough for you !

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Mahir's POV:

It was thundering....

Lightening was playing peeka boo!

It was indeed a stormy night!!!

But the storm inside my heart was way more crazier than this!!!

My head was still aching!

Just then I heard a glass banged on my table.

'Drink it!' she said...

I shot her a look...

Everything came in front of me in one flash!!!

I wasn't able to take it longer!

I clenched my jaws!

'What waa that!' I asked...

'Turmeric will hel'

I got up in one swift motion and pushed her to the wall opposite to us..

'Mr Sehhhgal' she winced in pain...

I had crushed her arm in my palm.

I knew it was hurting her!

But today I wanted to!

'Hurts???' I asked...

'Stop it Mr Sehgal! What's ...w......rooooong aahhhh it'shurting what's wrong with you' she cried and winced in pain...🥺

Hearing her cry in pain...Musky also started crying but today Musky had to know her mom is getting punished. I didn't care if both the mother daughter duo cried! When she can't see my tears why should I see hers...

Musky's cry was reaching my ears but not reaching my heart today...

Probably because today her mother broke her father's heart into a zillion pieces all over again 😡🥺

'Mr Sehgal...I will compla'

I pulled her closer although my hand was paining like hell...

I engulfed her waist tightly with my hands and pulled her into my chest!!!

She was scared!!

I pressed her waist painfully tightly...

'Ahhhhh' she screamed!

I didn't bloody care!!!

'Go!!!!Get lost!!! Go complain! Who the fuck cares you complain or do anything but don't malign my name like you tried today....

I fucking have a reputation!

Go to their bastard of man or anyone for that matter!!!

But not me!

You filth!!! Stay away from me...'

I pushed her back...

'And you kinda woman are those who are never happy with those!!!

One man isn't enough to satisfy your thirst right!

Ek mard kaafi nahi padta na tum jaiso ko Bela.... '

My voice cracked ....

She looked at me in shock...


'Again? Like really....🥺'

Her eyes were a pool of tears right now!

' can you think about me like that' she collapsed... Her voice shivered...

For the first time post our remarriage she called me by my name today...


But see the irony...

I craved to hear my name from her mouth one point of time...we had kissing competition if she would call me Mr Sehgal or Mahirji... and now it tears my heart to listen my name from her mouth! It's like a cuss word!

'I haaaaaaate you Bela!!! I loath you😢 your sight disgusts me!!!'

I said...

While she got up...

Picked a crying Musky...hugged her tightly and cried nonstop and closed the bedroom door with a thud...

I fell on floor 🥺😢

'Wooow hugged your daughter and relieved your pain... Who will relieve mine ... who'll hug me...

Iam a monster right 🥺😢

I covered my face with my hands...

'I hate you!!! I hate you more than my heart which still beats for you Bela...

I hate you Bela!!!' 🥺


Dear Readers,

Here's the 3rd trailer of

Without Love,

Yours Forever,

Hope you are liking the story ❤️

Just in a week we are topping charts!!!

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Exactly a week ago we began our #Behir journey...

And this much love ❣️ I'm overwhelmed 💕

I can only promise to do better ❤️

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