The Big Question mark❓

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Prologue - 1

Bela's POV:

I was shocked to see that Di was so casual about the Engagement!

The next minute was worse!

I saw Sehgals had come with gifts for the Roka!

They also were shocked to see what was happening!!!

Just then I heard a voice from my parents saying...

'It was her choice Son!!!'

My sister was having an engagement like she didn't care!!!

I felt it was really suffocating...

I wanted to leave...

While I heard a voice...

'Mr and Mrs Sharma...if you don't mind I would want to marry your younger daughter!!!'

😳 I froze?!!

I turned around! I saw his back! It was Mahir???? 😟

He didn't even know me 😢

I silently left to my room...

This is impossible... I'm still doing my first year mba... I have so many dreams...I can't! My only love!

I was shattered when I heard my mom's voice...
' Say yes Bela! Mahir is a successful and a rich man! ' she said...

I shot up at once saying...' And how about relationships, love respect????... I don't even know him ma'

Then I heard my father taunting my mom...
"Tell your daughter... She didn't even know that Vikrant but was almost caught on his bed red handed!!

'Dad I was know it's not my fault! I didn't '

'Ambika tell your daughter to marry Mahir... else she may never get married ever! Also her name sake father will die!!! '

I froze!

Next second I nodded a OK!!!


Prologue - 1

We were standing on my house terrace. It has been more than 20 minutes. Neither of us are talking.

Infact I haven't even seen his face properly.

I was only asked by parents to 'Go meet him!'

All this because 'HE' asked my hand in marriage!

I was freaking out at the very thought of marriage!

Worse! He was the guy with whom Brinda Di has been chatting and calling for last 2 months.

They seemed pretty serious!

I heard his voice a couple of times from her room while they were on a video call. Although I never went to see who it was.

I stay away from men!

The male species are a little complicated.

I prefer to avoid them.

I haven't had a pleasant past with them!

I have no idea when is he planning to turn around and talk to me!

It's been bloody 20 mins that I'm standing in this hot sun.

Maybe I should like try talking...

Ummm... Ya what was his name...




Ya right!

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