If you bring thunder?⚡I bring storm!!! 🌀⛈️🌊

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Aadi's POV:

Mahir had gone mad! This idiot of a guy I asked him to take care of Bela, heal her l..

In simple language I meant start a normal life!

A simple normal marital life!!!

But looks like he doesn't understand what's meant by 'normal'

And Bela??? Really she agrees to divorce him???

What is this couple huhh??? They keep playing see-saw always with their lives!

Naag Naagin the pichle janam me?? Saap seedhi badi pasand he dono ko!!!

(We're they cobras in last birth they love playing snake and ladder!!!)


I saw Bela enter the room....I and Nandini both rushed into the room!!!

We saw Bela's back facing us...she was looking at her marriage photo with Mahir that was hung on the wall...

Next minute Nandini yelled at Bela...

'What the heck was that Bela??? Mahir has lost it... I have never seen him use his tiny little brain for the right cause ever!!! But you!!! This kinda immaturity was never expected from you atleast... seriously??? You'll marry anyone??? Just because Mahir is ready to marry that trash bag lying in the guest room???'

We could hear her sob...

Nandini immediately went to her.. she was all in tears...

Next second Nandini hugged her 🥺

'Belaaaa...I knew it...then why???'

'Did I have a choice there??? He just brought a random girl and'

Before she could complete I jumped in...
'You know Bela he's faking it...you know he loves you right!?? If not so many years he was single and overnight he brings a girl... B.S!!! He thinks we are idiots!!!'

I yelled...

To which Bela laughed and said...' I know bhai.. I know everything!!! But Mahir will never accept it!!!

I know him!!! If I argue..just to prove his point he will go to any extent! And I definitely didn't want that!

So I kept those points and agreed!!!'

I looked at her ... she wasn't that wrong Mahir is mad!!! Can't predict him!!!

'Soooo... What next' I asked...

'Play along....I want to meet the guys my husband wants me to date!!! Let's see !!!

He thinks he can bring thunder in my life!!! I'll bring tsunami!!! There'll be storm 🌀!!!

I was smirking 😏

Next second I saw Nandini slap her forehead 🤦

This couple is a mess!!!

Indeed they are named Behir!!! They are!!!
Extinct ... wierd and crazy!!!

Behir means a twelve legged serpentine carnivorous monster who fought dragons!!! They were wierd crazy and also fierce!!!

Indeed this is what these both are!!! Monster!!! Doing self destruction!!!

I saw Yuvi who came and patted my back and asked if all ok...

I shook my head irritated.. he huffed and patted my back...

'Relax... let's see' he Said...

We went to living room and saw Kuhu doing the Bhai Dooj pooja...

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