Chennai Chapter🛣️ - Part 4 - Love takes over everything!!!🔥❤️💞

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Mahir's POV:

I was raging!!!🤬🤬🤬

I punched that bastard of a man such that he fell on floor and was knocked out in one go...

While Bela although was drunk was trying to hold me not hit those bastards...

'Leave me Bela... How the fuck did he touch you!!!'

To which one of his friends said... 'Oh dude listen... It was this woman who came dancing...look at her inviting clothes what's wrong if we tried to touch this slu'

Before he could complete I kicked his balls such that he was down on floor...

Next his friends joined in to punch me...Aadi, Dev and the joker came in but I stopped them ...

'They are my target... How the fuck did they touch my Bela'

Saying I started bashing them left and right...

All my boxing skills were practiced on them... But one of them was quite hafty and he started showering punches on me...

Just while I was teaching that hafty man a lesson of his lifetime... One of them broke two beer bottles on my shoulder and my chest.

That's when our friends screamed...

But the most I felt was Bela who was drunk crying and now shivering in my arms... checking me...

Although she was drunk she was in her senses or I don't know if her hangover was off the minute she saw this fight!!!

I was so angry that I beat each one black and blue..

I kicked and punched them and they were all fallen on floor like insects!!

Bela now came closer to me and cupped my face....she had non stop tears in her eyes...

'Ma...Ma... Mahir... You ok baby' she said...

While I also had tears in my eyes...

I hugged her tightly...

I kissed her forehead tightly for a long kiss and cupped her face...

'You ok na are fine na...'

Next second she saw my face profusely don't know what happened she pushed me by my chest and swatted my hands and took lazy criss cross steps towards the bar counter...

I ran behind her...

'Where are you going???' I went behind her...

'I wanna drink tonight...I wanna husband got engaged's party tiiiiiime wohoooooo... Djjjjjj... Play the musiiiiicccccc' she screamed...

DJ played the latest number...
'Mainu jootiyan di lod nahi tu chahide'

She took a shot and was dancing!!!

It's like she's not dancing on floor infact dancing on my head 🤦

'Mahiiiiir juttiya di lod naiiii tuuuu chahideeeee'

Tuuuuu chahide' she screamed 🤦🤦🤦

And she shouted 'One more hard...very hard' and laughed loudly...

The bartender kept a Taquila shot in front of her and she swallowed it in one go...

I was shocked 🥺

Bela is a tea toddler!!!

'One mooore' she said...

While our friends stood from far and were looking at us in shock...

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